Utah 4th grade teacher has class for “Non-Whites”

This person is dangerous and needs to find another line of work. Maybe a garbage collector. No, that would be demeaning to sanitation workers.

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Thread title is oddly worded. So she has educational material that doesn’t have a lot of white kids in it? If I’m reading that right.

“The teacher explained that this was her first year teaching in a majority-white school, and said there are “no White kids represented” in many of the elements of her classroom, including the coloring pages she offers to students.

The teacher went on to say that while some of her classroom library includes “straight, cis White men,” who she says dominate literature, it is “overpowered” by books depicting “diverse peoples,” including characters of color and different gender identities and sexual orientations.“

Every video of a teacher saying something out there has bright green, blue, red, etc hair colors.

Waiting on the parents responses. Race based equity education is racist, divisive and not education. It’s indoctrination.

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I think I understand what this teacher was trying to do but went about it in a very stupid way.

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She lost over 80% of the country using the word “cis”. There is small echo chamber using these words and dear lord it’s not in Mormon based Utah. Utah is 85% white she should go somewhere else and teach that is more diverse if that is her goal not warp the minds of the kids there that the hard left embraces yet the rest of the country wants muzzled.


I may be wrong but I think their intent was to expose the majority white students to minority focused educational materials. Maybe? And there’s ways to expose students to different cultures, races etc. And not come across as a social justice warrior who thinks they know better than everyone else.

First step: don’t phrase it like it’s a challenge to see a reaction. Let’s find out if the whites accept this.

Yeah. Like, read the room. They came in super hot.

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Education should be based on equality. Why should children of any race be made to feel different?

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I think it’s ok to challenge students and have them consider aspects of life beyond their own personal circumstances. Whether that be race, class, or economic situation. Life isn’t equal. And this can be done without pointing fingers and making certain groups of students feel different.

Why do they need the curriculum changed to minority focused educational materials? Her picture screams SJW sorry if that offends anyone but does anyone ever stop to think their acvtisim is doing more to harm integration than good?

I have two teenage daughters both in private school, the wife and I just want them to be prepared as possible to make it when they get out of school. Most parents I think want the same thing. The school as past capacity now from all the families taken their children out of the public school system now they’re asking for donations to build more class rooms. The whole time they were there up until the last few years the classroom sizes were almost always the same 18-1 student teacher now their at 40-1. The majority of parents don’t want this.


My take away from the article was that the curriculum wasn’t going to change but that all of the ancillary materials in the class room would be minority focused. Like books, posters, etc.

She is really in the wrong state for this. To many activists with a teaching degree. Get the kids ready to compete on the world stage with what will be their biggest competition math and science. China for all their faults are not teaching their children this they are teaching tech.

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It’s a pile of big red flags anytime someone uses that word, but thankfully also a cue that the person is not to be taken seriously. :wink:


damn. there was so much progress against racism taking place until the deranged racist left appeared.


Sounds like a whacko. Does anyone in fourth grade even know what the word “cis” means? It doesn’t appear the principal is supportive of this loon.

Aw c’mon, what do we need with science and tech? At least our kids know how to react when John the quarterback self identifies as a female cheerleader and shows up in a miniskirt and carrying pompoms.

Sarcasm is now off.


This is what it’s all about nowadays.

With extremists on both sides.

No speaking to understand…everyone is simply angry.

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Marcuse's world


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