Using Government to Force

You do too.

Just a different collective, perhaps.

The laws are written to benefit them.

laws are not deterrents, but they allow a city to sue a company for dumping toxic waste which gave them cancer.


Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.

really you control every grocery store in America?

What collective would that be?

I don’t shop at every grocery store in America genio.

how do you know the beef you buy is not diseased, do you personal inspect the slaughter house and ranch.

Nice bumper sticker.

The butcher lives down the road.

They both are and they aren’t.

so your don’t agree with the concept of health inspectors

No, they just are.

It goes good with my coexist one too!

You’ve never been to a slaughter house or talked to a rancher.

Glad we could agree.

Nothing is that simple.

It just isn’t.

Lots of things are threats to business, you have to negotiate all the potential hazards.

Your concept could work on a small scale but America is a nation of over 320 million people.