Us warship under attack

This just popped up. Now what will Biden do…

Will the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier and his administration use appeasment to quiet this down?

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Isn’t that what was used as justification for Vietnam?


Well the river to sea hamas supporters will probably say it was staged.

Or the Houthi fweedom fighters will say the US warship was not the intended target and that their drone operators made an error.

The iranians might bring up the US downing an iranian passenger jet years ago.

Resident liberals might say the US had no legit right being in the Red Sea and that US military projected antagonist behavior and support of lsreal is the reason.

Yes except in Vietnam it was country specific. In
Gulf of Tonkin to avoid war all we had to do is say “We surrender in this one country. Any group if idiots who attacks a US merchant ship is allowed to decide whether we trade with that one country.”

This would be allowing a unelected group of America haters to determine our trade policy on an entire sea.

Thomas Jefferson faced with the same problem sent in the Marines, (the shores of Tripoli thing.)

Today the far left, and a few phony right wingers think that Jefferson was wrong and that we should reward every group who attacks US shipping by letting them dictate where our ships are allowed to go.

“Thank you sir. Please may I have another sir. Please tell my weak disgusting self where I should be allowed to do business sir. I am lowly and weak and you should tell me what to do sir. . . . May I lick your boots while I am down here sir?”


That is a very good post.

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Shooting pirates is a time-honored American tradition.


Meet with his advisors and decide how to respond?

The One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier might better ask Hunter what he should do. After all, Hunter is the smartest guy in the world.


I’m actually hoping for more information on this. Was it just another Houthi missile launch kind of thing? But on this forum Biden is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. A proportional response is him being weak. No response is him surrendering. A strong response is Biden the warmonger. I’d need more information on this particular event to know what the actual situation is.


Warmonger, no ■■■■■■■ way. If the One Horse Dog Face Pony Soldier Show did anything strong, i would probably not criticize him/her/they/them/he*she. I sm not sure what pronouns i should use so i do not offend anyone

Fair enough. You would not. But there are those who would. Here on this forum. He’d do a strike on Houthis and Iranian proxies and the “Biden(well they wouldn’t say Biden they’ll say Brandon because they’re children) does his job for the Military Industrial Complex” starts. It’s a thing. That’s why I say there’s not really a way for him to “win” in any scenario.

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Who you talking about? Oh liberal ones.

Now lets get back.on track

Fire on American ships…destroy the site that they fired from.


More information:

Works for me. Personally I was always annoyed that the Saudis and the other Gulf States weren’t able to take down the Houthi rebel organization. Really thought they were going to take Hodeidah back in 2018. Oh well. But that would have simplified things today.

This has nothing to do with Saudis and Houthi’s IMO. You don’t fire on Americans ships. Specially when they’re transiting international waters.


No. They will probably launch air and missile strikes if they can determine where the operators are.

As an aside, I doubt we yet have a full fledged doctrine on how to deal with drones.

Well that’s just not true, and we all know it. As Adam has noted, if there is a violent response, you will seriously transit set to whining about Biden being in the pocket of the military-industrial complex

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I sure hope the ships were not hit, by the Houthi rebels? They’re like the sand people on Star Wars.

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Ask yourself this question:
What would the ChiComs, Russians, even the NoKos do if Houthis or any other fringe lunatics did the same to one of their naval vessels?

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