US Economy Going Down

Thanks Democrats! Great job, GDP 1.6%.

All that massive spending, giveaway’s, money printing, debt, high interest rates, excessive regulations, and all the other absurd policies of the democrats!


Oh, y’all thought we hit rock bottom already?



When I look down the road…I do NOT like what I’m seeing. There are so many economic areas just teetering on collapse. If one fails, the domino effect will be released and the potential damage is scaring the ■■■■ out of me…it really is. I am a conservative and am always preparing for the worst but this potential economic wave of destruction IMHO…is huge.


anyone who buys their own groceries (ie, with their own money not yours) will know the state of our economy. period


Any day now. 12 years of predictions. Hyperinflation, economic collapse, recessions.

Any day now.


How is the commercial rental income going in NYC and other major metro markets since many employees have not returned from home due to COVID? Are any of those buildings being financed?

Toys were purchased; RVs, boats, side by sides, etc using free COVID money and the majority were financed. As the economy tightens, what will be the first to go from someone’s assets…wants or needs? Can the bank they borrowed it from afford the loss? If so, how much?

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Horrendous prices were paid on used cars during this time when new car inventories greatly declined. Today, those inventories have been replenished and the value of those used cars sold have declined greatly. Many owe over $30,000.00 more than they are worth today. What will happen when someone realizes that for the next 5 years…$700 per month they are paying is just being wasted? Did a bank finance that car/truck/SUV? How much of a loss can they take?


Credit card debt is at an all-time high.


Our national debt is over $35 trillion dollars. What percent of a generated tax dollar is wasted on just servicing this horrendous debt? The answer is almost 40%.

Check out the current value of the stock market and compare it to the low during COVID.

That’s called remote work. NYC is doing better than most other big cities with commercial real estate but supply still outpaces demand.

I can’t wait to hear your wisdom @FreeAndClear and I can see you’re working on a post. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

BAM…there it is. “We” are in trouble whether or not you understand that.

There what is? the immediate economic collapse that the right talks about every time some indicator goes down

When that indicator is up it’s either fake or lagging or inapposite.

It’s a pretty cool way to go through economics.


Believe me when I tell you…I hope I’m full of ■■■■ . :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I’ll be there to scoop up a boat or three. :sunglasses:


I’m hoping for acreage up in the mountains with a nice dwelling that the wife and I can escape to.


We will escape on a boat. Escape the people, escape the winter.

Fun fact: lobsters in the Bahamas don’t have giant claws. You can yank them right out of the ocean with your bare hands. :wink:


They’re normally hidden way back under the coral plus they have spines that will cut you when they pull hard with their tail, ripping themselves out of your hands. I’d recommend a device called a Hawaiian sling.

Just put your spear through the hole on the end and shoot it like a slingshot.