UPDATE: Sen. Grassley Rejects FBI Investigation, Urges Kavanaugh Accuser to Testify

Originally published at: UPDATE: Sen. Grassley Rejects FBI Investigation, Urges Kavanaugh Accuser to Testify | Sean Hannity

Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley rejected Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser’s request for a formal FBI investigation into her allegations Wednesday; urging Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to speak with Congressional leaders this Monday.

Grassley posted a lengthy response to her attorney’s claim that Ford refuses to speak with Congress until the FBI completed a thorough probe into the accusations, saying “No other OUTSIDE investigation is necessary for the [Committee] to do its investigation.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein stunned the nation days ago when she revealed she had sent a letter to the FBI containing Dr. Ford’s accusations; containing allegations of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh approximately 36 years ago.