Unnecessary overpriced education

But many of us get good jobs in other fields. My career is in a field that didn’t exist when I was in college. Having a good generalist background gave me the skills to succeed in it. That’s why I’m against this reductionist thinking that college degree=particular job. Most people end up having more than one career field in their life.

Perhaps you (or whoever paid) should get all of your money back. :wink:

The word “average” includes people like you.

That all depends upon the time and the costs involved. Furthermore learning can take place without sitting in classrooms. Personally I enjoy learning and I continue to try and learn new things whenever I get the chance, that is things I am interested in.

The problem that I saw in my time in education was that “the system” sought to “push” most or all students in the college direction. The four year college route was just so ingrained in the “education system”.

Every student in this country gets a tax payer supported well rounded general education from K to 8th grade. On an intellectual/health issue most (learning hate would not be good) learning is very beneficial and highly recommended. On a practical level there is no reason for higher education to consume eight years of a persons life. Say 3 years of high school and 3 years of college would be a more practical approach.

I wanted to point out that the stats on this are a bit misleading since it implies that just getting a college degree is a guarantee of a higher salary. Furthermore, the stats of those with college degrees include all the people working in the top companies in the country in well paying jobs like upper and middle management, engineers, computer related jobs, doctors, lawyers, etc. Whereas the stats on the non-college grad group include just about everyone making minimum wage and the jobs that don’t require any experience, certification, etc.

What would be a better survey would be to take the 40% or so college grads not working in a field related to their degree and compare them to mechanics, electricians, welders, small business owners, etc.,who don’t have traditional 4 year degrees and see how those numbers compare?

In the school I spent most of my time at the science classes were leveled so that the better, more motivated students were all together and the students that were not as accomplished academically and less motivated were all together. Most of my time was with the lower level classes and as such I found the job to be much more about classroom management than it was about teaching. And mind you this was in a upper-middle/middle-class predominantly white community. Needless to say, teachers in the inner city schools found things much more difficult than that! As far as I’m concerned around 80% of a student success is related to their parents.

The stats don’t “imply” anything about a guarantee. It is a fact that college grads make more than non-college grads.

What difference does it make if people are not working in a field related to their major? they still make more money than those that don’t have degrees.

I said that it was high school all over again in regards to the general education requirements. For example it’s completely useless for a theater major to have to take a year of science, or a science major to take history, and it’s completely useless for almost all majors to have to take a year of a language.

I couldn’t disagree with you more. I’m done.

I wonder under Socialism, and the Dumb Dem Dems pushing free college tuition,
would anything college wise really matter? People 50 years from now, are ganna
need a Phd just to work at McDonalds!! lol. we laugh now, but it’s true! That’s what
the Democrat Politicians want! Why? Simple, it’s a Liberal brainwashing education, and experience. They’re pumping out Liberals by the tens of thousands each year, or however many people go to College each year???

I mean prestigious colleges like Ivy league colleges, or colleges where some
of the smartest people in the world go? I mean with free college tuition, plus if people
add “political correctness”, then how much would a phd with someone’s name on it really be worth in the future if everyone can easily get it? If anyone can get accepted
with a 3.0 gpa, and a certain amount have to get accepted for Politically correct, no matter what, then maybe the taxpayers can just pay for college for everyone in general right? Maybe that’s what the Libs in Washington are hoping for?

Also, I dunno how it’s equality, if we’re going by Democrat Politically Correct standards, and a certain amount of people with say felonies must get in, and minorities, women, or anyone else in the world. Weather they have the same credentials or not as other people.