UNITY is Finally Here

Is that a challenge?

Take it as you like…The question still stands.

Narcissism, maybe?

Seriously I understand getting to the root causes that make so many want to attempt asylum in the U S.

But a visit to the U S Mexico border would help, and these cookies, ugh :nauseated_face:

And it’s obvious citizens of Guatemala aren’t enamored of this egomaniacal woman.


Use our search function for Jill Biden.

A number of us got a laugh about her using poor Spanish to address a Latino audience. Is this is the worst that can be said about her, other than her insult to KH—I’m afraid you’ll have to look that up on a search net as any article I find contains filter bypasses.

Basically Jill told Kamala where to, how to get there, and what to do once she got there. So far, unlike Michelle Obama, I haven’t seen Jill Obama claim to champion one group of children—the overweight—while calling another “reproductive rights” and “a woman’s freedom to choose”

Has Jill made every slight, perceived or otherwise, about race? Really, it seems except for the aforementioned faux pas, she’s avoiding any attention.

May I assume you’re referencing a white majority group with “cons”?

Harris is wildly unpopular among black Americans. Here’s the Miami Herald on this hypocrite:


Here is the opinion of a more blunt speaking black woman:
