Ukraine Refugee Problem


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The Biden admin stated that we would accept 100,000 refugees from Ukraine.

Lol. So they started appearing on the southern border.

The uniting for Ukraine makes guidelines for Ukrainian refugees who want to enter the US.


More white European people. Tsk, tsk

Tb screening isn’t performed on refugees to the U S?

How exactly do Mexicans vote?

Many Latino voters have voted conservative for years, some are increasingly embracing it.

One if the most conservative men in my circle of acquaintance is Mexican and indigenous American descended with Texan parents.


Over five million Ukrainian refugees so far we have taken in 14. Who is addressing the diversity problem at the border.

Is it diversity or, as in the OP linked article, the highest tuberculosis rate in Europe that’s keeping them out?

In Dover, they vote democratic.


Highest rate in Europe but 69th overall. The countries below them we have brought in quiet a bit India was 31st. Back at point I am not a fan of migration when it’s at a massive scale but if any group of people fit the description of a true refugee fearing for their lives it’s them.

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Maybe they can come to the States and ease some of the shortages here.

At my night job there is such a personnel shortage I could smoke weed on my break & not get canned.