Uh oh dims. Turn Maryland Red. Former Gov. larry hogan To Run For Senate

hogan the RINO. lol. now you love him.



We lived in MD during Hogan’s tenure as Gov. He did manage to navigate a Dim majority in the state legislature. But I expect Larry to be a moderate. We shall see.

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YES…he is. We’ve been down this road for decades and both sides of the aisle are equally responsible for our border being insecure. Remember…the IRS was going to prosecute any and all businesses that hired illegals as agreed to in 1986 when over 12 million illegals were legalized. That was the deal. Now…here “we” are.

Were you not there when Trump attempted to build the wall and both sides of the aisle worked against him. Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results is the definition of what? Vote for Trump and let’s stop this. It’s the most important issue facing our nation.

I don’t believe that he is. Trump had his chance, and while he slowed illegal immigration, he couldn’t get the wall built, and all of his other solutions were temporary. As soon as he left office, government policy changed and illegal immigration rose again.

That’s not really the definition of insanity, but like I said, Trump had his chance. What makes you think we’ll get a different result this time? I agree that illegal immigration is one of the biggest problems facing the country, and that’s partly why it’s frustrating to me that you nominated Trump again. He’s probably going to lose, and Biden policies will continue for another four years. Haley would have crushed Biden at the ballot box.

Just like Mitt Romney. :rofl:


Did you see the Haley vs. Biden polls? Did Romney have a similar polling advantage over Obama?

If you’re a Republican - for representation from that state, pretty much as good as it gets. Sort of like Dems version of Joe Manchin.

Obama didn’t have Parkinson’s. :frowning_face:

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I have no doubt that DeSantis would - policy wise - govern virtually identical to Trump (had he been the nominee).


A RINO is an order of magnitude better than a crit. Especially in the Senate.


I think far better than Trump.

Even so, Haley was crushing Biden in polling while Trump and Biden are basically tied.

I hope I haven’t recently been accused of following or believing in polls. Those remind me of the tabloid magazines in the checkout lanes.

I’m not accusing you of that. Polling is not predictive, but it’s all we have to go on until November.

It’s all anyone has that wants to play along as an audience member with this reality TV show.

You ever wonder why the reality TV entertainer does so well compared to those stale, ready-made ■■■■ puppets? :rofl:


For sure. Trump is the most entertaining politician of my lifetime, by far.


To hell with polling data and the like, just make me a fly on the wall for a day. I don’t care which candidate. :rofl:

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Tell that to Trump. He constantly mentions how great he’s doing in the polls.

He was naive during his first term but IMO he’s learned a lot and this time around, he’ll apply that valuable experience.

Haley would not have addressed illegal immigration. I remember well the absolute tenacity Trump had for building his wall. It spotlighted the forces on both sides of the aisle plus our fake news…that all worked against him. That’s why I know he is the only one who will address this.