UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace

An ironic statement, but you’re also wrong about “justifying” anything. These crafts are real. Where they come from is the fun part.

How is it ironic?

And no… the crafts are not real.

If they were real the entire world would know because we would be bugs to them.

There it is.

Yes. There it is.

There is no good evidence of aliens visiting this planet.

If they were here… we wouldn’t have to guess.

You personally don’t know, so it can’t possibly be true. Par for the course. :wink:

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There are how many millions of cameras in people’s pockets across the entire world.

There are hundred of imaging satellites looking down on the planet 24/7.

There are thousands of telescopes scanning the skies at all times.

Yet… the best evidence we have so far are blobs on grainy footage with no reference to scale or speed.

It isn’t that compelling really.

Translation: “Nuh uh!”

No need for a translation.

The evidence just simply sucks.

That’s because you don’t know what the evidence is. :rofl:

Give me the best piece of evidence for an alien space craft on the planet Earth.

I don’t think they’re extraterrestrial. Go read. :wink:

Okay then… they are physics breaking terrestrial vehicles.

Best evidence.

Nothing about their operations are “physics breaking”. Next you’ll tell me that spacetime can’t move faster than light. :rofl:

What’s “physics breaking” about UFOs?

I am simply asking for the best piece of evidence and I am not getting it.

Okay… forget everything about physics breaking and all of that.

What is the best piece of evidence?

We have NO reason to believe that the laws of Chemistry, Biology, or Physics do not apply to all things in our universe. What’s physics breaking is some of the reported motions of the objects.


Circling back to the OP, the CIA declassified a lot this year. Probably more than anyone will be able to read through.


[quote=“Jezcoe, post:24, topic:239167, full:true”]

Personally I am highly skeptical. Here’s the thing, the laws of logic apply to the whole universe. Therefore logically speaking why NO ATTEMPT to communicate with a world you ostensibly traveled many light years to reach? Are they just coming for joy rides?

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[quote=“Eagle-Keeper, post:38, topic:239167, full:true”]

As I have stated… if they were here… there would be no hiding it.

Some of the more recent, released video shows unusual airborne objects. The most likely explanation is experimental military.