U.S. Chamber of Commerce lies by omission over border closing!

It’s his modus operandi. Post something incredibly long that no one reads littered with quotes that typically have tangential relevance. If refuted, post even longer replies with more quotes. Eventually, he’ll just ignore any evidence to the contrary and post a non-sequitur.

He’s not on here for a two way discussion. Just a sounding board for his ideas presented in a pseudo-intellectual manner.


Indeed it is. So is the underlying hate and prejudice.

Fake News.

You know whats amusing is everyone on this board on both sides wants Trump to shut the border down.

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I don’t think you know how trade between the US and Mexico actually works.


I am at the point where I want them to get everything that they want.

I will be able to weather the economic storm.

Will they?

I feel the same way. I saved enough in ten years (I also own property in anotger country) to keep me afloat for two years. So, let these numbnuts burn it all down.

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Understanding is not the goal.

If you don’t understand economics and how it works, you should just say so John.

Instead of displaying your ignorance for all to see.


So as long as it hurts Mexico slightly more, you’re fine with losing your fellow Americans over 700 million per day (not counting loss of things like imported raw materials for manufacturing and a significant portion of your food supply). I am absolutely anti-illegal immigration. However, I’m sure there’s a solution that wouldn’t take down 1000s of Americans with it. I suppose if it doesn’t hurt you directly that’s fine though? They should just take it for the team?

Aka Mexico should do a better job at defending the American border.

One would have thought that EVEN D Trump would realise that cutting foreign aid will actually exacerbate the problem. But then again it is D Trump.

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It’s the supply side version of foreign aid.

Cutting taxes brings in more revenue so cutting foreign aid will improve a humanitarian crises.

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Not sure exactly what your point is.

Sarcasm…he forgot Sarcafont™

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Thanks JJ that was the view I was leaning towards. However, it is a bit hard to tell based on some posts I have read on here.

Yeah. It was sarcasm.

Thanks for confirming Jezcoe.

I understand exactly what your objective is in this forum.


It was March of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies ___ socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress ___ continued with their obstruction against securing America’s borders and refused to pass laws allowing an immediate repatriation of undesirable foreigners who are invading America’s borders.

The Chamber of Commerce played a a major role in building Congressional majorities against both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

“Chamber of communism” is a hilarious term!