Two things you Libs do not know about Kam

Within days of her 1.9 trillion dollar “American Resue Plan” inflation nearly doubled. Then it just went up from there. All the way to 9 percent. Of course, libs knew that was gonna happen. Economics 101. If you suddenly flood the economy with an ocean of cash, you get massive inflation. Hell, you can learn that in any high school econ class.

Number two. Under President Trump Americans had record savings. Under Kamshaft, Americans have record debt.

I point these things out because your corrupt news organizations do not want you to know this. So here I am to do their job for them. Oh, and by the way, you’re welcome.


They know, they just don’t care. Discussion is a lost cause.

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I don’t think that’s how inflation works. Do you?

Thanks government spending :joy: aka stimmies. The record savings was because President Trump correctly called government to subsidize the population. The population had nowhere to spend it so it sat on it. A significant portion of it also stopped paying rent which caused even more savings.

a lib policy of government spending to prevent economic collapse that the right called porkulus during the Obama admin and after which some on the right predicted hyperinflation.

But apparently when the government gives people money they save it until they can spend it. Once free they then spend it. after they have no money they go into debt. I think that’s an argument against universal basic income.

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There is no question that food costs are astronomically higher than they were 4 years ago.

The epitome of a lying government is when they label their government spending as, “The Inflation Reduction Act”. This stupidity is what Kamala brings to the nation. How ■■■■■■■ ridiculous can people be? Do not let hate lead your vote. Allow your brain to discern the facts of which candidate is best for this country…regardless of whether or not you like them.

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Our inflation, compared to other industrialized nations was lower after the passage of the act. Prior to, it was equal to.

Trump added about 4,000,000,000 to the debt BEFORE COVID and another 4,000,000,000 after covid. If you think govt. spending is the root of inflation, Trump should share some blame.

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Among our dems absolutely right.

They are among the woke radicalized lib variety.

Inflation is the result of the devaluation of currency. The more currency that is created, the more that currency gets devalued, meaning it takes more of that currency to buy stuff. Voila, inflation.

That’s not the only reason for inflation.

That’s a reason.

It’s the main reason. To add to that, it’s also the reason people shouldn’t get excited about their stocks “going way up” or the “value” of their house doubling in the last few years. It just means there are waaaaay more of those goofy dollars in circulation.

The money that is currently beign spent by the government is borrowed not printed. If you want to argue that government spending resulting from massive borrowing causes inflation then lets have at it but the whole printing money causes inflation is not how monetary policy works in the united states. we borrow it. That doesn’t make it that much better by the way though it is a lot more controllable. And it is just different.

Well yeah, it’s mostly digital and created out of thin air. I’m not talking about paper and coins.

That’s true for all investment today. It’s all digital today and hardly real.

She put a lot of people in Jail for a long time.

How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up
As California attorney general, she spent years subverting a 2011 Supreme Court ruling requiring the state to reduce its prison population. The overseeing judicial panel nearly found the state in contempt of court.


I am sorry to see that she has lost your vote.

Wait, are you for or against keeping prisoners locked up? Seems this would be a plus for you.