Two giant J6 dogs not barking

The continued martyrdom of her is really weird.

Yeah. Wise…

What is an “insurgent level” weapons cache?

Is this just your cutsie way of discounting the weapons cache that was discovered?

Golf carts and tactical gear.

confirming that at least one member of the group arranged to store guns at a hotel in Virginia, Grods was part of a contingent that rode golf carts to the Capitol, and he later moved on foot toward the Capitol as part of a “stack” of people outfitted in helmets and other tactical gear.

Sounds like they were worth charging. Helmets and shields have no place at a peaceful protest.

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Tell me Jez…Ashli was shot at almost point blank range by a police officer and George Floyd was virtually strangled by a police officer. Take a look at their histories and the amount of “martyrdom” attributed to each and now think…if you think this is weird, which is the weirdest applying your standards? I ask cuz, I don’t think I’ve ever once heard you say this about the martyrdom of Floyd and yet, there’s no comparison between the differences of “martyrdom” regarding these two.

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After tomorrow, is it J6²?

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Ashli Babbit was actively breaching a restricted area during a violent attack on the Capitol.

It is really weird that her martyrdom is a thing.


That’s what I thought…say no more.


What you thought? It is what happened.

It is a miracle that more people didn’t die that day.

when repubs take over the House they’ll award her a medal.


Well martyrs are required for myth making, and it’s especially helpful when trying to construct a counterfactual myth.

Having said that, 1)-I am not convinced that she should have been shot, and 2)-the fact that it was an internal investigation is prejudicial to say the least.

In my state, if an officer in one department is involved in a shooting, another department investigates. I think the same thing should have happened here. Baltimore Metro mebbe?

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For me … if I am actively attacking a piece of federal property I would not be surprised to be met with force. There is a chance that that force may be deadly depending on the circumstances.

I have this expectation because I am not a child.

Yet the scenario as you portray it sounds quite child like since we have the snuff film for reference.

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Can we at least agree that capital police shouldn’t have been allowed to investigate themselves?


Generally yes. Police should not be able to investigate themselves.

But we all saw what happens on video.

I don’t see how that officer was not right to use deadly force in that situation.

If I were to be actively breaching a barricade in Inside the Capitol during a riot and did not expect that I was putting my life into danger doing it…. I would be a delusional idiot.

Yes, there has been a lot of lies and disinformation coming out of the federal authorities.

They pushed the murder-by-fire extinguisher hoax, which was obviously false based on even a preliminary examination of the body. It took them months to finally admit that the officer died of a stroke. If FBI lied about that, why trust their other claims about January 6?

For example, consider the unbelievable coincidences related to the alleged pipe bombs. It turns out that federal authorities did a practice run of finding explosive devices near the Capitol on December 30. The test scenario was amazingly close to the events on January 6 as reported by the Washington Post:

. . . the Post revealed, a “young analyst was ready to present a worst-case scenario: Someone could plant an improvised explosive device near the Capitol. With law enforcement distracted, extremists might then band together and attack government buildings, maybe even the Capitol.”

And irony of ironies: That is precisely what happened. Capitol Police, according to the Post’s timeline, responded to the pipe bomb threat at around 12:45 p.m.:

“The activity proved a distraction for officers guarding the Capitol. A D.C. homeland security official assigned to keep eyes on the swelling crowd was sitting in a black SUV on the east side of the Capitol, by a row of Capitol Police bomb-squad trucks. Suddenly, officers jumped into several of the trucks near him. The official called Donell Harvin. The two flashed back to their tabletop exercise on Dec. 30, and how an analyst had imagined a scenario in which improvised explosive devices could be used to distract law enforcement before an attack on the Capitol. ‘Is this really happening?’ the official asked Harvin.”

Fascinating! So a fleet of bomb-squad trucks just happened to be on the east side of the Capitol complex, which happens to be the location of both the RNC and DNC headquarters, at exactly the same time a device is found?

And what about Karlin Younger? She just happens to be an emergency management specialist working at the time with a network of first responders when she located the device?


That would be cool.

You really can’t see how stupid your post is can you.