Two giant J6 dogs not barking

Yet not one charge under the 18 USC 2383 or 2384. All narrative and no actual elements of the crime.


That must be the same reason for Hunter’s laptop. They aren’t sure it’s his?

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I think it’s because they know who “Q” is, they sent him. He’s an FBI plant, & the whole Q thingy is an FBI made up bunch of baloney to entrap a few useful idiots to do what happened on the 6th.

Yeah… no.

I’m entitled to my made up thingy if the left is entitled to call an unarmed bunch of FBI lead idiots into the capitol an insurrection.

One good fiction deserves another…

Well, you’ve got a few made up thingys there.

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America best are on it.


Yes. Ray Epps shows that people spewing FBI-approved disinformation are never prosecuted or subject to search warrants.

In contrast, consider what has happened to Project Veritas. They have committed no crime unless you consider investigative journalism that embarrasses Democrats a crime. They had their homes searched by the FBI and confidential legal records related to an ongoing lawsuit with the New York Times were Illegally leaked to the Times.

Based on previous history, no FBI agents or officials will ever be prosecuted for attacking press freedom and trampling on the civil rights of Americans. If anything, they will be promoted or will appears as “experts” spewing more disinformation on MSNBC and CNN.

It is time to defund the FBI. They are our Stasi. They arguably represent the single biggest threat to the constitution and the civil rights of Americans.


Where are the media demands for Q’s arrest and a show trial?

If Q was the instigator behind January 6, why are there no congressional subpoenas?

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He’s not.

Q is a ftaher and son team of weirdo porn peddlers who live in the Philippines.

The men who are “Q” broke no law.

Writing vague nonsense on a chan board for others to “bake” is not against the law.

You could probably try to go after them for not cracking down on child pornography on their site.

Yes, I find it is interesting to see all the Q defenders and admirers from the left. Tricking someone into getting gunned down by Capitol Police is something they can celebrate. Maybe Biden will give Q an award.

What if the Q campaign were funded by Russia? Will they send a thank you note to Putin?

Media questions about Russian use of social media in 2016 had a much different tone.

You can keep on guessing… or… listen to the people who have figured out who “Q” is.

Why not do that last thing?

“J6” :rofl::+1:t4:

Love it.

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Yes, there seems to be profound disinterest in the pipe bomber both from the mainstream media and the FBI. The idea that the FBI can’t find the suspect given all the security cameras and cell phone data seems ridiculous to me.

The timing of finding the pipe bombs perfectly aligned with maximizing the confusion at the Capitol. It is too “on the nose” in my opinion.

The FBI’s narrative is that a mysterious figure left the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters on the evening of January 5, and they were discovered by “sheer luck” about 16 hours later. If the pipe bombs had been discovered on January 5, there would have been plenty of time to disarm them and to search the Capitol before the events on January 6. If they had been discovered after the events in the Capitol, they would not have had the same effect either.

It would not surprise me if the bombs were placed shortly before they were discovered, and the mysterious figure in the FBI videos is just a decoy.


When considering the lies that have been perpetuated about this day from the very beginning, by some of the most powerful people in DC, what the FBI did regarding Trump, the FISA Judges and the forces against him during his entire term, the election that had examples of fraud, plain as day but always an excuse for it, the ensuing commission where the chosen Rs were not allowed to participate…there’s no doubt in my mind that there was an element inserted into this day, that was not a part of the rally, which emancipated into what the shepherds and sheople describe at the January 6th “insurrection”…where everyone forgot to bring guns.


People had guns there.

They were wise enough not to use them.

Makes sense.

It is quite odd the insurrection narrative doesn’t include an insurgent level weapon cache.

They had a little creep on a scaffold encouraging everyone FORWARD with a megaphone.

Just like a medieval ship master barking out ROW to the oar handlers.

They can’t find him?




Except for one that murdered a female veteran when she wasn’t looking.

I will be thinking of her and her family tomorrow.
