Twitter's Racist Response to Tim Scott

Based on what criteria?

is rejecting the masters ideological chains racist?

Missing the point.

Every one of those thousands of people who retweeted it were checked out by Twitter and determined to be black.

Trust the twitter checkers!

I have never hear the term “uncle tom” used in a way that wasn’t disrespectful.


That’s exactly what I said


I don’t know what you are asking so I’ll bow out of this line of Socratic questioning.

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It’s amazing how much lib leeway some people are expressing here. Brazen, shameless double standards.

And then libs seem indignant when people find them totally lacking in credibility and sincerity.


You didn’t answer my question first.

Is it racist when a white conservative tells me I am living on the democrat plantation l?

[quote=“PurpnGold, post:146, topic:239040, full:true”]

Sorry I must have read that too fast. My apologies.

and what is it they’re being disrespected for?

Name one double standard… let’s discuss

Their conservative ideology

It’s not Socratic. You seem to be saying it isn’t racist based on race.

The criteria isn’t race?

The term Uncle Tom implies that one is a racial sell out. Selling out other black men to please white men.

I don’t get the monolithic thinking that we, as people of color, are supposed to act in a certain way. Outside of my skin color, I’m basically a stereotypical southern white man. A redneck, more or less. From a cultural standpoint.

Calling someone an Uncle Tom is stupid. I don’t owe any obligation to anyone or any group because of my skin color. Neither does Tim Scott or anyone else. We are all individuals. I could care less about racial identity.

It’s a pretty disgusting insult.


I did answer it. The answer is plain as day. the democrat plantation is not race based, its ideological. racism is a tool used to keep people on it, no matter the race of the person.

Is it?

Heavens no! Why do you think someone would call you an Uncle Tom? This is dontsoundlikearacist101 stuff and to me seems obvious. It’s like the saying, “that’s mighty white of ya” - which is an absolute backhanded racist comment against minorities. There’s all kinds of ways to throw shade on someone. That you’re claiming to not see this is crazy to me; it literally should be common sense no matter who says it to who IMO. If intent matters, its clear the phrase is being used as a slur, too, so there’s that too.