Twitter Stock Leaps Amid Reports Board In Takeover Talks With Elon Musk

Well it is the only way they can make money :smiley:

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Sure but are they doing it because they want to control thoughts and discourse?

By the way I abhor corporate censorship outside of the truly criminal.

Haven’t followed them very closely, they aren’t that consequential yet.

Right that’s the shrug off i was describing earlier

If the dream of Musk bringing light to Twitter nefariousness doesn’t pan out. And i am not saying it won’t by the way. One can just go meh and move on to another dream….

Remember the Great Palin Purge on the old board? Was that election tampering?

This board doesn’t have enough users to sway an election for dog catcher.


Ohhh…I see…so it’s not the ACTION that you object to…it’s the AFFECT.

You don’t care if social media sites ban people. You just care if they ban people you want to be heard…the other folks, the liberal voice causalities banned for calling Palin dumb…well, they don’t matter to your grievance because…well, because you want them quite during an election anyway.


No, I don’t want people censored anywhere but that doesn’t mean it always rises to the level of swaying an election. I didn’t ban anyone or suggest anyone be banned for calling Palin stupid.

But my point is, in theory, the actions are the same. Twitter, and Hannityland both have ToS.

If you break them, you are banned.

But one, you condemn as election tampering, the other you excuse.

One (according to you) banned conservative voices, the other liberal voices.

I don’t excuse the censorship I just realize it doesn’t have the potential to sway an election and so is of less concern.

What’s a good price to be some Tweeter?

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Don’t know, but the billionaire who just bought Twitter posted this savage meme.

Is Musk also a meme lord or did the butler do it? :thinking:


Maybe he is John Gault…



Musk is funny.

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:+1: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Probably true.


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Yeah, why shouldn’t he?? :rofl:

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Will rename it X on day one.


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