Twitter CEO admits eating a Chic-Fil-A

This very much. Its exactly why I still eat at CFA. They quit giving to anti CFA groups a few years back, and while Cathy voiced his own opinion about the subject, to my knowledge they have never refused to offer service to those in the LGBT community. So im fine with a person having and voicing an opinion. I’m not okay with them refusing to offer a service like Masterpiece.

Ate there today and it was delicious as usual.

I miss HEB. Moving back to Texas next month, so it won’t be much longer.

It’s bigotry and hate to say someone who has different beliefs than you is a bigot himself/herself.

As long as they don’t discriminate against customers, and they treat everyone with kindness, who cares?

If I boycotted every business that had leftists owners I’d hardly be able to leave the house, watch TV or listen to some radio stations.

The culture today is overwhelmingly left wing. And the left need to stop being such snowflakes and showing such hate to someone who thinks differently than they do.

That’s really great, good for you. I have friends with different political beliefs and it hasn’t ruined any friendships. That’s how it should be.

Correct. Every customer is treated with respect, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.

This temper tantrum some on the left are having are over the owners PERSONAL beliefs. What he PERSONALLY believes and what causes he PERSONALLY donates to are no one’s business besides himself and maybe his spouse and family. NO ONE ELSE.

I’m quite sure if I investigated I could find many companies who donate to PP and other causes I oppose. Same with other conservatives. Should we send out twitter mobs to attack them?

LOL considering how you guys react when someone says happy holidays to you or uses an insufficiently Christmasy coffee cup in the month of December you probably shouldn’t be throwing any stones here.

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I don’t eat at CFA because of the donations Kathy made, but I rarely ear fast food anyway. I don’t care if other people eat there and I certainly wouldn’t try to shame anyone who did.

Should you? That depends on your beliefs and thoughts about it effectiveness. In general I think boycotts at least in the organized type are ineffective. I will personally refuse to patronize a business I feel conflicts with my personal business, but I won’t encourage others to do so its a personal choice of mine. You too should do the same if you feel like not doing business with an entity that deals with PP or any other entity.

CFA gets my business because they take exactly the correct approach to social issues. Voice an opinion but don’t discriminate. On the other hand guys like this:

This guy can frankly go get bent. This is precisely the sort of thing I don’t want to see happening, and this latest SCOTUS ruling despite have no impact on this as it was a narrow ruling, is exactly what will encourage this. Its really only a matter of time until a black, a jewish person, a muslim, an athiest, and on and on are told don’t come here. Its that really what you want?

No, of course it’s not. Have you not been reading my posts in this thread? CFA has NEVER discriminated against any customer.

Some on the left had a meltdown because of his PERSONAL beliefs. We are all entitled to our PERSONAL beliefs.

Totally different thing you have posted here. Obviously that business owner won’t serve gay customers and I think that is wrong and anti Christian.

Based on the discussion so far, looks like this thread should have stayed in politics.

Based on all if the raves I see about this place, one of these days I need to roll in there to check it out. But every time I go by one, I see the lines and say ■■■■ it. How good can it be, really? I mean it’s still fast food, right?

Well that is because they personally are retarded. I’m not sure it’s fair to lump them and make it seem like everyone on the left moderate or otherwise think like they do. They are extremist and no different from the many extremist on the right.

I didn’t say everyone on the left thinks as they do. On the contrary, the average person does not care. Most people have no idea what the political beliefs of the CEO of CFA, Starbucks, Costco, etc are and even if they did, don’t care.

It’s only a group of left wing activists who have targeted CFA, and today was not the first time. So far their attacks have been a spectacular failure though, as CFA business is booming.

I’ve always thought of you are one of the more level headed conservatives here so I respect your opinion. My point in all of this is its perfect fine to have a personal belief in something, but to discriminate based on those personal beliefs is detrimental to our society.

There are those that truly believe that going down this slippery slope opens the door for people to start disciminating against other groups and doing so under the guise of religious freedom. Thus far we have one concrete example and that is only what has been noted, doesn’t mean there aren’t more. How far does this have to go before you can realize the plight of those who stand against this.

To me I feel like the proper compromise is. Have your beliefs. If a service you offer makes you feel like it would violate your personal beliefs, then offer it to no one, case solved. That way no one is discriminated against and you can express your beliefs.

At one point and not really all that long ago historically speaking it was considered okay to tell black folks they couldn’t order a cheeseburger at a local diner. Was that okay?

At one point not all that long ago it was okay to own another person as a slave, was that considered okay?

Point being, why can’t people just be ■■■■■■■ decent to each other. My point of view stems from the fact that most people just wanted to be treated as an equal human. Are they entitled to such? According to the constitution … yes. And yet certain groups will use other parts of the same constitution to them as less and excuse it as “well just go find some place else” That is ass backward thinking in my opinion, but I am just one person.

You’ve made very reasonable points, particularly the last one. Perhaps the solution for Christian bakers is simply to refuse to bake cakes for ANY wedding. That way no group can say they are being discriminated against.

And as we’ve already discussed, CFA is not refusing to serve anyone. Straights, gays, old people, young people and any race and gender are welcome in their stores. That’s why I keep saying the left wing activists who have been targeting them are really the intolerant ones, because what the CEO says privately and what groups he donates to are his own business.

But back to your point. As far as I know, the only controversy with Christians refusing to provide services are those requested for gay weddings. I have not heard of any bakers, florists, or photographers refusing to provide their service for a biracial wedding, for example.

So I don’t think there is a slippery slope here. If what you say should start to happen, I will definitely speak out against it. Someone posted a story about a hardware store owner who had a “no gays allowed” sign. That is hateful and goes against what Christians are taught… to be kind and treat others as you would want to be treated. That sign is as offensive and hateful as if he posted “no blacks allowed” or whatever. I am a straight white female, but if I saw such a sign posted I would not give that business any of my time or money.

BTW I also think you are a level headed poster here.

I can agree with all of this. Great post, Joanne.

Your last paragraph is exactly the kind of thinking I hope would be prevalent in our society. I posted the story about the hardware store owner because it is exactly what the “left wing activists” fear will come to pass. Are they premature in their assertions? Perhaps but it wouldn’t be the first time a group tried to head off a problem that doesn’t presently exist yet.

Im my opinion your brand of thinking isn’t out of the normal for our current society, but that doesn’t mean it won’t change into the horrible way of thinking like this hardware store owner has more and more. This is what left wing activists want to head off. So I suppose it becomes a matter of how reactionary a person is willing to tolerate. I don’t think they have gone too far yet, when they do I’ll be the first to speak out against them, the same way you have said you’d do in the opposite.

Thanks Lucy. Hope all is well with you. :grinning:

The left, left wing, leftist leftist leftist. Who talks like that? Someone who is in wayyyy too deep.

Cathy bankrolled organizations through the Chick Fil A foundation that worked to deny equal protection under the law for gay people. That is textbook bigotry, it’s not “different beliefs” anymore than think black people are inferior to white people is a “different belief”. Don’t put a shiny happy face on bigotry no matter how awesome Chicken Minis are.

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Not sure I entirely agree. For the activists who came out again on Twitter, they were attacking the CEO of Twitter for the crime of eating CFA food. They are the only people who care what the company’s CEO’s PERSONAL opinions are which have NOTHING to do with how customers at the store are treated. It’s intolerance of personal thoughts and beliefs.

However you could be right about the broader group of people who are worried about a slippery slope. That’s why we need to be vigilant and call out actual discrimination when we see it. And of course discrimination can take many forms, not just sexual orientation or race. Age, gender, and religious beliefs are other things that can be targeted for discrimination. Even such things as physical appearance and being obese, although I don’t know how some of these could be proven, unless a store owner had a sign outside saying “No fat or ugly people allowed”. :grinning:

Overall though I do see your point. At one time discrimination was not only tolerated but even promoted, such as the horrible Jim Crow laws. Sure glad we are past all that.