Turkey Launches Offensive in Northern Syria after Trump decides to pull US Troops

Letting the literal one group of people in the ME that like us get massacred for no reason is truly brilliant foreign policy.

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ISIS appears to be working in sync with the Turks and the Russians as well now.

So, ISIS is not dead?

He said he’d destroy Turkey economically.

Get to work, dude.

This is fine.

Totally fine.

Well ■■■■■ if ISIS is working with the Russians, I would suspect that Trump will attempt to invite ISIS to the White House soon. Since Loyalists have no problems with Russia, I guess they’ll have no problems with ISIS.

this couldn’t get worse for the Kurds.

The links have been known about for a while now, easy way for Russia to send it’s native Jihadists elsewhere and create a headache for the US.


"It probably wasn’t a hard sell for the FSB to make to nascent jihadis: Go fight in the desert, for infinite riches and glory, or stay in Russia, where the security services had pretty good cover to kill a lot of them.

A lot of them left. In late 2012, Russian-speaking jihadis began to arrive in Syria. According to regional intelligence sources who have closely tracked their movements and activities, the Russian-speakers negotiated the unification of the Islamic States in Syria and in Iraq, creating the current Islamic State formation.

Suddenly, the war in Syria was “confusing” to American policymakers seeking a way out of the war and an end to Assad’s regime. There were “good rebels” and “bad rebels,” and the U.S. couldn’t decide which side to support. These tactics were similar to the irregular warfare Russia would deploy in Ukraine.

The war at that point also turned away from Assad and Syria, and toward Iraq instead. The western front of ISIL was led by Russian-speakers; the eastern commanders included disenfranchised Soviet/Russian-trained Saddam-era Sunni military officers. From the beginning, their efforts were closely coordinated. There were reports from Kurdish forces of Russian operatives at secret outposts in the desert."

It can always get worse!

Even if the Turks wanted to be strategic in their invasion, they don’t have the tech to do it. So indiscriminate bombing it will be.

Famous joke about the difference between a Russian Pessimist and a Russian Optimist.

The pessimist says to the optimist: Things just can’t get any worse than this.

The optimist says: They certainly can, Pavel, they certainly can.

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Trump groupies have more important fish to fry like speculating about Hillary running in 2028.


You guys are more then welcome to go over there and stand between Turks and Kurds.


We made the Kurds in northern Syria dismantle their defenses on the promise we’d protect them from Turkey and now we’re standing by to let them be massacred.

We did this.


The safe zone policy was working well. We made them take down their defensive positions and then abandoned our ally and left them to slaughter.

There was no attempt at diplomacy, Trump rolled over for Turkey (for reasons I am sure will come to light) and Russia; he is a coward incapable of handling the difficult tasks.

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Never make promises with a used car salesman.


In fairness, Trump likely has zero idea who the Kurds are or anything substantive about Syria.


Trump simply decided on a phone call to unilaterally abandon our allies; literally a couple days to prepare for slaughter. Now they are fleeing the region in a panic.

The Kurds have always been mostly forgiving of occasionally letting Turkey foray into northern Iraq to mop up terrorists who strike in Turkey and kill some innocents-they’re a tough lot and Kurdistani politics are complex-but they are very unlikely to forgive us for drawing them out of their traditional mountain battlefields into deserts and cities and then letting them be killed en masse.

He’s openly said he has a conflict of interest with Turkey because of Trump Towers. Rudy Giuliani works for the Turkish government regularly. Mike Flynn did too, until he was disgraced.


So when the thousands of ISIS fighters the Kurds have been detaining are freed, are you gonna keep cheering on Trump? You obviously don’t care about the Kurds,