TUCKER TARGETED: Antifa Gathers Outside Home of Tucker Carlson, Chant ‘Racist S***bag, Leave Town’ | Sean Hannity

A mob of self-described Antifa members gathered outside the Washington, DC home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson Wednesday night; screaming “Racist s***bag, leave town” and “we know where you sleep at night.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/tucker-targeted-antifa-gathers-outside-home-of-tucker-carlson-chant-racist-sbag-leave-town/?fbclid=IwAR0L1TyiLdlyvQkt4ZlZSS0wAWxKaSSy2LuWf96qIUUyvaTY5GwJEpB4i-Q