Tucker carlson questons tammy duckworths patriotism

I posted links for you before. I can’t help your spotty memory.

From civil rights icon john lewis. And that’s just one example.

I could go on and on and on…

do you think any of the dozens of “news” outlets gleefully pointing out her tweet will point that out?

Oh so Rockefeller wasn’t attacking his service when he said he didn’t care about the lives of people because he dropped bombs from 30,000 feet?

She might be the Vice President.

Swanson heir has to get the attacks in now.



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A call out and cancel the heat in the kitchen campaign.

In fairness, there’s very recent history of people being suckered into voting for a weak media personality.


And he immediately apologized. He knew what he did was wrong.

“Rockefeller promptly abjectly apologized, praising McCain’s “honorable and noble service to our country” and deploring his own “inaccurate and wrong analogy.” His apology reflected a conventional political wisdom that McCain’s heroism is too well-established, and a climate of respect for soldiers too strong, for attacks on his service to do anything but backfire.”

No mention of racism in the article.

Did you read why Lewis said what he said?

Suckered, hell. They did it willfully.

She isn’t very good at the requisite double speak like Pelosi used to be…until she aged out of reality.

I hope Biden picks her as VP.

The war hero angle will sell. Her love of people and history shines through like fog on a sultry August morning.


So the left does do that. Thanks.

Conservative pundits have a fetish of attacking veteran amputees - like when Ann Coulter went after Max Cleland.

She did refute is BS “they hate America” canard by pointing out she lost both legs defending it.

I find a hardcore trump supporter clutching pearls over a personal attack rather ironic also.

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her wounds do not make her immune from criticism. getting wounded in battle does not define her positions.


because the left and democrats know they can exploit this, they will consider her for vp

you watch

Where did I say she should be immune from criticism?

Or when the dude on snl went after Dan Crenshaw.

So we all agree that dimocrats attacked mccain’s service.


There were more of course. But as I said, I’ve posted them before. Do I really need to do it again??

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That “dude” is a comedian, not a pundit and Crenshaw lost an eye, not a limb. Besides, Pete didn’t question Crenshaw’s patriotism and they got together and made up in a lovey dovey way about a week later. Apples and kumquats.

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