Trump's tweets were not racist...they were ignorant

No- the demographic handwriting is still on the wall…the GOP is just going to milk what they’ve got for all it’s worth.

They tried the dem way. The Norwegians won’t come.

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I get that…that’s actually funny.

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I think you underestimate their production capabilities.

And the importance of: economy.

That would entail them continuing to not actually try and do anything about the economy then…right?

It is my belief that neither side tries to fix anything, anyway. In my arguments with Peek in the other thread, I have mentioned that the Rentier Economy is growing because of government. In fact it couldn’t exist without government.

I’m sure he thinks I mean GOP government…but actually both lib and con government officials do things to keep the Rentier Economy good and strong. Because that’s who pays them.

So I guess it all comes down to which way you like your crumbs flavored- with tax cuts or with government cheese.

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Donald’s not ignorant, he’s stupid.

And those tweets were stupidly racist.

Race is not the only demographic.

I know.

Just reminding you.

Sure. That doesn’t make what he is saying not racist.

He’s leaning hard into white resentment for 2020.

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Doesn’t make it racist either.

You are disagreeing with Calvin based on emotion. Namely disgust. It’s ok, but “Nuh uh! He is too!” is hardly a dent in his well thought out argument.

There’s not a thing Omar has said or done that trump hasn’t already done 100x louder.

Nah man, he’s just an old school racist New Yorker.

If there is any direction that I am aiming my emotion at, aka anger, it’s towards Jake Tapper, Nancy Pelosi, and the whole clown show that felt they needed to come at Illan Omar.

Trumps tweets are like a laser pen, and the lib kitties are losing their minds chasing the little red dot.

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Ok, if you say so. My point stands.

Why not Omar for coming at Pelosi?

Whataboutism! TRUMP! Whataboutism! TRUMP! Whataboutism! TRUMP! Whataboutism! TRUMP!


Racism… to own the libs.


Because, the Squad (what a name), is right.

This whole thing is Pelosi’s fault. She didn’t like being flanked by the more left wing Democrats. So, she threw a hissy-fit. And here we are with stadiums chanting “Send her back.”.

Interesting responses. I view Trump’s comments more so as ignorant and trying to score political points to the misinformed, rather than racist.

Racism labels shouldn’t be used lightly or to express someone having a different political view.

Making terrible, uninformed, below-the-belt tweets are bad. No question about that. I am not actually defending his tweets. I just don’t see it as real racism. When Tucker Carlson called Iraqis “monkeys”, that was racism. There doesn’t seem to anywhere where he sees Latinos or Muslims as inferior.

Well for once it looks like Trump may be having some trouble with the getting distance part.