Trump's Rhetoric and Bullying

Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.

He made this comment towards natural born citizens of color. Your defense is ■■■■■■■■■

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Or the judge who couldn’t be trusted because they were Mexican-American.

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Or saying we don’t want immigrants from ■■■■ hole countries (as if the conditions of that country are inherent to those people and they’d bring those conditions here).


But Norway, we want people from there. They may all be socialists, but at least the’re white!

Would you have ever thought that we’d be the ones arguing that the president is a role model? Remember when the people who are defending Trump acting like a ten year old didn’t think a president who was never in the military should be president? What a country!

Not Trump directly? Holy ■■■■ dude! Give teenagers with cell phones and half a brain more credit. They know what’s going on. And clearly, “Build that wall!” is not distorted in the slightest. It’s loud and clear, direct from the source.

Psst, Mexican is not a race.

And we’re going to bar immigration from Nigeria, even though Nigerians are literally the most upwardly mobile immigrants that come to America.

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It’s just words.

And just so we’re clear, you’re OK with bullying, just as long as the message is accurate?

It’s okay if the president says someone can’t do their job because of their ethnicity. As long as he says Mexican and not Latino. That’s excellent behavior.

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And? Building the wall is not an endorsement of children chanting it at American kids. So if I am for building the wall that means I am encouraging kids to be jackasses? I don’t think so.

You’re very hung up on responsibility with this. We’re talking influence. We’re talking about how these kids are using the words of our President to bully and harass other kids.

When the President tells natural born citizens of color to go back to where they came from, he’s endorsing racist, jackass behavior.

they won’t have far to go!

He had some pretty clear indicators regarding his thoughts on the issue at hand, I wouldn’t choose him as my judge of choice either. And it’s not racist to point out that just maybe he had a conflict of interest either. In any case the kids in question weren’t chanting, you have a conflict of interest based on your ethnic heritage so we’d like a different judge.

As I said, that particular statement is indefensible and I have no issue with anyone saying it was a bad example for children. However, given how recently that happened, I doubt any of the instances they described happened after he made it. So kind of hard to blame it on that one.

You forgot to add

“and then come back and show us how its done”

kinda changes the whole thrust of the statement

Oh so you just agree with attacking him for his ethnicity. That’s better question mark.