Trump's Rhetoric and Bullying

Now that you know, maybe you won’t laugh next time someone points out the obvious.

What about if they are citizens, here legally, and US congresswoman? “Go back to your country”

No you clearly don’t “get it”

You are very confusing to talk to right now. Literally no one is saying what you are saying. Why so defensive? Is Trump your relative?

Much better example. Yep, that was a horrendous comment,.

When kids chant “Build that wall!”, who exactly do you think they got that from?

When children dress up like transvestite where exactly do you think they got that from?

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Just because Trump doesn’t directly say kids should bully other kids, doesn’t make him any less of an influence.

Don’t count on it.

I laugh at a lot of the posts I read here.

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“Trump-connected persecution of children”. After having become ignored by most Americans, the left media have lost their minds.

More accurately, the response to most anything WaPo “analyzes”.

to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

To a man with TDS, everything is Trump’s fault, and everything Trump does is wrong.


Do you think Trump is having an effect on how children today bully other children?

Yes, and Trump is clearly influencing these children.

Yes, we all know how closely American fourth graders follow politics. I still have fond memories of how excited my children would get for Presidential speeches. So excited. Ahh good times. I bet the really stupid racist and bigoted children are even more interested in American politics.

I’m being specific to the children who are using Trumps rhetoric in order to bully other children. They are being influenced. I’m not saying all children are influenced by Trump. But clearly, the cases presented in the article demonstrate how children are being influenced by Trump.

When WashPo doesn’t have a pay wall I will be glad to look into their political accusations further. Until then, now way I am handing more of my money to Bezos. He gets enough anyway.

This I can not argue with. Perhaps opening in a incognito browser would grant you access.

Most likely coming down to them from their parents, not Trump directly. And they aren’t using Trumps rhetoric. More like distorting it. As far as I am aware Trump has never said anything about deporting legal aliens or citizens. And as I said earlier, I could care less if kids tell an illegal he doesn’t belong here, that happens to be the law of the land.

There was no paywall for this for me. I have noticed a trend with them. They tend to exempt their stories that are critical of Trump from their paywall. It’s almost like they hate Trump more than they like money.

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Brah, bullying is a cultural taboo. Seeing the president actively engage in it and his supporters actively defend it (e.g. “He’s a counter-puncher!”, “Finally a politician who tells it like it is!”) gives kids all the justification they need.

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Telling an American or legal alien kid he is here illegally and should be sent home is bullying, saying the same thing to an illegal, isn’t.