Trump's home raided by FBI agents (Part 1)

Did he? I’ll need to see a copy of that as soon as you are done showing me that subpoena I asked for earlier where you stated the rooms were listed on it.

As am I. Yet here we are being told it never happened.

No, it’s called running interference for a criminal.

#1 I’ve read all 9944 (as of this posting) posts in the thread. Sorry if you make statements that aren’t clear. Clarifying your confusing post isn’t “fetching” for anyone.

#2 You doubt either the subpoena and search warrant happened or doubt that the search included Barron’s and the FFLOTUS rooms?


Who here has said that the FPOTUS residence rooms (which would include Barron’s and the FFLOTUS rooms)?


Trying to figure out where that is written into the law anywhere…that if you’re a famous or powerful person, you need to be treated with kid gloves, but the average Joe? We can trample over them.


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No, I don’t doubt they searched them. But here, since you can’t seem to follow the bouncing ball:

Why does that matter?

Thank you.

I disagree with @Munimula1 and @PurpnGold.

Seeing as how FPOTUS residence would include any bedrooms, I would say that to comply with the search warrant those rooms would have been searched.


It was a garbage raid.

Those videos will be the ticket to a return in 2024.

WW, I think they absolutely SHOULD have looked in those rooms, as well as the Bedminster and Trump Tower residences. I just don’t think we have seen any evidence that they did.

I can only speak for myself

Remember, we may not have learned about the search of MAL, but Trump announced it to all.
So, they might have searched other Trump properties.

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They forgot Barron’s diary and Melania’s perfume while violating the 4th.

They were so sloppy it is actually sad.

You are such a good regurgibleeter.

You have truly made Trump’s so-called “persecution” your own.

You are probably imagining Barron’s room at Mar-a-Lago has posters on the wall and Legos on the floor, and how traumatic it must have been to know the FBI rifled through his Pokémon cards.



Everyone has a talent.

Except Brandon.

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To be fair, I bet Barron has some awesome Pokémon cards! :laughing:

RINO Marxist Never Trumper Bill Barr showing his lack of loyalty to the Boss.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr blasted a ruling by a judge to appoint a special master in the case involving Donald Trump’s improper retention of government documents.

“The opinion, I think, was wrong and I think the government should appeal it,” he said. “It’s deeply flawed in a number of ways. I don’t think the appointment of a special master is going to hold up.”

Barr added that “the government has strong evidence of what it needs to determine whether the charges are appropriate, which is government documents were taken, classified information was taken and not handled appropriately.”

He stated, “There’s some evidence to suggest that they were deceived.”

I wonder when Turley is going to come to his senses.

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