Trump Wanted To Order Justice Department To Prosecute Clinton and Comey

Weren’t there people on this very board complaining about a certain former president using the power of government to go after their political rivals?

Strange I seem to recall that.

Did he?


I wasnt privy to any private conversations between him and any other member of the government, so I could not say one way or the other.

You think he gave the order and they refused then?

I’m not aware of any such order being given. Did a secret recording come out recently, or are we going off a supposition of a conspiracy theorist?

Off the OP.

If he didn’t give the order to prosecute, why are we discussing it?

I was discussing Obama and how some posters here posting for years that he used government against political opponents, to which I inferred it’s kind of hypocritical for those same posters to not be here condemning what trump was wanting to do supposedly.

Right back at you for your sanctimonious self-righteous comments about Trump supporters. :+1:

I understand. I think there is one major difference though.

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they know Trump is a coward. they’re just trying to convince themselves that he’s not because the truth is painful.

And you’d be wrong. What an ignorant post.

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Did he do it?

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Don’t confuse cowardice and ignorance.

IMNSHO, I don’t think Trump had (or has) a clue about what being the President, a Leader, or a Statesman really means. I think Trump just sought a way to aggrandize himself even more than being a billionaire based on his daddy’s fortune and businesses.

You just called Joe Biden a coward. 5 deferments and then a medical - just like Trump . Joe Biden is not a coward. He’s had one of the roughest lives of anybody I ever heard of. It’s by the Grace of God he didn’t take his own life years ago.

Check your privilege.

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If you didn’t live in those times, you don’t have the right to criticize those who did for working within the system to avoid the draft.

I disagree. I think in his own messed up way, he is trying to make things better. It’s a weird sort of patriotism and a lot of arrogance.

He’s probably feeling his own mortality.

It’s not like that’s a secret. Dude can’t wven fire someone in person. Unless it’s on a fake reality TV show, of course.

He’s a coward. Own dat.

I honestly didn’t know Trump was this much of a coward. I knew he was dirty and worshipped money but I didn’t know he was actually afraid to fire people in person or go out in the wind or rain. He’s like the guy who gets kicked out of boot camp on day 1. Actually he’s like the guy who dodges and doesn’t show up.

The Party of Trump. Showing us all who they really are every day.

Move the needle, Braveheart.

Apparently most of us didn’t know. He was portrayed as such a tough guy on the apprentice… but that’s fake. Just like he is.

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