Trump want to abuse government power to investigate Obama's Netflix deal

Rorschach did it much better.

Don’t try to imitate

Accuse? Pffft. There’s a lot of butthurt over it being pointed out. :rofl:

Y’all have fun rolling around in this ■■■■■■■■■ lol

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Ok, that’s pure hypocrisy.

Democrats want to use the wheels of gov’t to criminalize trivialities and make political/criminal targets and prisoners of the opposition so they can live with the consequences.

Nah man. That is your thing.


since you support this, you can no longer complain about liberal doing any of that.

^^^^^ this is said in a thread about President Trump publicity calling for a formal investigation into the private business dealings of his predecessor after leaving office. ^^^^^^



Trump: Government needs to investigate Obama/Netflix.

What a turd of a so-called president.



Yes. Sick. Sad. Hypocritical. Pathetic.

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I don’t support either but when you set the bar you will be judged by the same standards. Democrats want to completely destabilize our entire gov’t by criminalizing being a member, successful member of the other party then they are pure hypocrites to bitch when the ball swings back and smaks them in the face.

They have destroyed over 200 years of decency trying to steal the presidency before and after the election and chaos will result.

Actions have consequences and the pendulum always swings back.

Emotions are running pretty high in this thread. Beware of mousetraps. lol

Guessing Netflix did not want to carry The Apprentice or shot down some stupid idea he had,

I read somewhere once that choking on an overdose of hypocrisy can have serious psychological effects. I think the author of the peace may have had a double dose.

This thread is a perfect highlight of just how low the left’s spirits are right now.

They’ll never win with a “We hate Trump” campaign. They’re gonna screech at the sky even louder this time. lol


You make a strong accusation against me in that, care to prove that this Democrat wants to do any of that?

I don’t think it was Democrats chanting “lock her up.” Ever.


There’s nothing personal in that.

She committed crimes while in office.

Not trying to win any such campaign, I don’t hate Trump, I do loathe the idea enough politically uninformed people voted him into office so that he is my president.

But hey, ya gots to take the bad, Obese Donald, with the others.


Don’t worry, y’all won’t. :wink: