Trump Vs the Koch Brothers

Here you go Trumpers.


And as I scan the crew (one assumes that they’re hunting immigrants?), I notice that Jared Kushner is not among them. Probably fed to the alligators?

They will likely have zero trouble starting right where they left off. Memory hole. Blame evasion. He was really a liberal; I never supported him; liberals and Democrats are really the ones responsible for his presidency “We’re independents. We tried a liberal. We need a true ‘conservative.’”

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How does the GOP ever go back to promoting their platform after the majority of it’s members so fiercely argued against it under Trump? (serious question)

That’s a good question, and I really don’t know. Don’t think anyone can predict where the party will go after Trump.

I do know some Republicans have criticized the tariffs but have done nothing else about it. All they need to do is pass a bill giving Congress the authority over tariffs, and they won’t even do that.

They’ll just do it, and odds are, they’ll likely be fine (although I hope not).

Consider: when I joined this forum in 2004, unequivocal and passionate support for the Iraq war was the sine qua non of GOP/conservative tribal loyalty and the black and white test of whether one was a patriotic American or a terrorist loving traitor. It had more or less the status that Trump has now, as an indicator for almost all the same people.

Then consider: In 2016, the GOP nominated Donald Trump, a person who felt compelled to lie about opposing the war, while pinning his Democratic opponent for her support of the AUMF.

Your mistake is in thinking any of this really matters to these people, as a matter of principle. It doesn’t. They can believe anything at any time–and mostly, it works.

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Yeah, that isn’t happening. We’re just enjoying watching you guys eat your own.

Yeah it’s time Congress stops letting the Executive do their jobs for them and take some of the power they gave it back. And I will stand behind that when the shoe is on the other foot. I don’t want a dictator no matter whether I agree with them or not

No dude they’re lookin for stuff to drain from the swamp!

some people say it was an accident

This. There will also be some who will claim that Donald was a necessary evil to sweep RINOS and establishment pols from the ranks of the GOP and burn it down to its foundations so that at long last the mythical True Conservative can be elected to rebuild the party to its former glory.

Who needs the Koch brothers when there’s 19.5% of Rosnoft floating around unaccounted for?

Gotta love that gaslight trump is using to navigate.

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Yes, I believe you would. And yes, Congress should take back some power, certainly in regards to tariffs anyway.

Jared was in another boat, with Neri. Haven’t heard from him.


(courtesy of the great Robert Schooley)


Ben Carson appears to be rowing in the wrong direction. And I think it’s a bad idea for Nikki Haley (who’s on the bow) to be poking at the gator with that little stick.

one has to wonder if Pruit, Zinke, or Price where in the initial draft

Surprise! Surprise! Here’s an article from 2015.

The Kochs freeze out Trump

The Koch operation has spurned entreaties from the Trump campaign to purchase state-of-the-art data and analytics services from a Koch-backed political tech firm called i360, and also turned down a request to allow Trump to speak at an annual grass-roots summit next month in Columbus, Ohio, sponsored by the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity, POLITICO has learned.

actually it appears to me that the left has never liked the Koch’s. what’s changed is the right (the leader of the Republican Party and Republican partisans) now won’t like them.

that’s funny.

Also, in the original, Trump is holding a tiki torch.

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