Trump vs Politics

I wrote this a couple weeks ago


There is a terrible sickness in the United States of America in regards to politics.

A lot of the time people campaigning for office do not tell the residents and voters of the area they are running in what they truly believe.

Instead they lie, say nothing at all, or just say grand generic things that could be interpreted anyway the voter wants.

A recent example are representatives Omar and Tlaib.

They did not tell the 700,000 or so people who live in each of their districts they hate Israel, hate Jews, and will be introducing legislation for the United States to boycott Israel.

If they had told the voters this was their agenda, they would have never been elected.

Maybe the biggest example of this I have ever seen in my 53 year life has been Obama.

We found out after the 2012 election that nothing Obama was saying in the campaign and debates in 2008 were things he actually believed in.

Obama lied and lied about American jobs, American greatness, and even abortion.

If you watched the debates Obama had with McCain in 2008 about abortion you would have came away thinking Obama was against abortion.

This is how Obama was elected, he kept agreeing with McCain on many points and sounded better doing it.

Obama took advantage of us to get elected.

Had we known Obama had an anti-American agenda, he would have never won in 2008.

People with power and money want certain people elected to carry our their agendas.

They do not care what their candidates say in a campaign because they know it is their agenda that will be implemented.

This has been going on in America well over 140 years.

We can see the greatness of the 2016 election and Trump against the contrast background of the past 140 years.

No one in power wanted Trump elected President.
No one in power on any side, from any political agenda wanted Trump.

Trump won because the American people beat the Republicans in the primaries and beat Hillary Clinton in the general election, for Trump.

No one in power wants the American people to realize this is what happened.

This is one of the reasons for the witch hunt.

They want to convince the American people forces other than our own vote put Trump in office.

They do not want us to get a taste of what power we really do have ourselves.

It is this realization that makes it important to re-elect Trump in 2020.

Electing Trump represents true democracy and electing anyone else represents hidden power money people being in actual power.

This is the absolute truth my fellow Americans.

Wake up.


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Quite laughable to want D Trump to be re-elected given his propensity to tell lies.

I voted for McCain over Obama back in 2008, but I now realize that Obama winning that Presidential election was best for the country. I now believe that the stimulus that Congress passed and Obama signed into law helped the country get out of the great recession. The Unemployment rate under Obama’s Presidency ended up dropping from 7.8% down to 4.7%.


This is where I stopped reading. But hey, at least I gave you a chance…

I did not even gave it a change. Look at the size of that wall of text!

Ok, now i need to ready it, lol

He took advantage, as a great speak, but was telling us what we wanted to hear, in a way we would think it was good for us.
We didnt look inside the truth about any of it.
I mention the sit down debate with mccain.
Obama basical said abortion was horrible thing.
He said it and things like like that, to make it seem as if it wouldnt be that bad to vote for him instead of mccain.

Yeah, its a copy and paste. No way he typed all that tripe…

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You talking about Obama or Trump?

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Do you think Google translation was involved in the process?

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I - 5 - Wisconsin County Analysis
I - 6 - Iowa County Analysis

J - Alaska 2016-2012 Results

K - 1 - County Wins By State
K - 2 - Counties in States Trump Won 100,000 Plus Votes
K - 3 - Counties in States Clinton Won 100,000 Plus Votes
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K - 5 - County Vote Ranges Clinton states
K - 6 - 3rd Party Counties Trump States
K - 7 - 3rd Party Counties Clinton States
K - 8 - County Vote Range Summary
K - 9 - Counties Over 500,000 Votes

L - 1 - Counties Flipped 2016 Trump - Clinton
L - 2 - Counties Flipped - Margin Romney 24
L - 3 - Counties Flipped - Margin 12 Up For Grabs States
L - 4 - Counties Flipped - Margin Clinton 14 Lock States, DC
L - 5 - Summary Results State-County margins

M - County by County
M - 1 - Clinton v Obama - Romney 24
M - 2 - Clinton v Obama - Romney 24
M - 3 - Clinton v Obama - 12 Up For Grabs States
M - 4 - Clinton v Obama - 12 Up For Grabs States
M - 5 - Clinton v Obama - Clinton 14 Lock States, DC
M - 6 - Clinton v Obama - Clinton 14 Lock States, DC
M - 7 - Clinton v Obama - Summary M-1 - M-6

N - County by County
N - 1 - Trump v Romney - Romney 24
N - 2 - Trump v Romney - Romney 24
N - 3 - Trump v Romney - 12 Up For Grabs States
N - 4 - Trump v Romney - 12 Up For Grabs States
N - 5 - Trump v Romney - Clinton 14 Lock States, DC
N - 6 - Trump v Romney - Clinton 14 Lock States, DC
N - 7 - Trump v Romney - Summary N-1 - N-6

O - 50 States - Counties Improved Votes in 2016

P - Summary - County - State - Data Sheets

Q - 1 - Voting and 3rd Party - Romney 24
Q - 2 - Voting and 3rd Party - 12 Up For Grabs States
Q - 3 - Voting and 3rd Party - Clinton 14 Lock States, DC
Q - 4 - Voting and 3rd Party - Summary Q-1, Q-2, Q-3

You should try going outside sometimes…Maybe buy a set of golf clubs.

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How can you fix your fingers to type this when you voted and support a lying con man

Not interested in the narrative that all politicians lie.

A nice dose of reality right there. It won’t be a cure though.

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We see you have mastered the skill of cut & paste.
Now let’s see your independent thought skills…

I didnt come over to Hannity empty handed.
I spend 6 years in the minors on the competitors blog

Obama obviously, you know, the one that says “I” too much in his speeches and is a total narcissist that plays golf too much.


lets get this straight right now
Ibelieve what i believe and i write what i believe.
I am 53 years old
and i dont go by the news
or what anyone on the news says.
I take a totally different approach
I compile and organize the facts
i study it
i organize it all in a way i can easily see the big picture
and this is what my trump encyclopedia is all about.
The only reason to be aware of the NEWS is to understand what I need to fight against.

So when Obama said this in the 3rd debate with McCain you took that to mean that he was against abortion?

OBAMA: But I am somebody who believes that Roe versus Wade was rightly decided. I think that abortion is a very difficult issue and it is a moral issue and one that I think good people on both sides can disagree on.

But what ultimately I believe is that women in consultation with their families, their doctors, their religious advisers, are in the best position to make this decision. And I think that the Constitution has a right to privacy in it that shouldn’t be subject to state referendum, any more than our First Amendment rights are subject to state referendum, any more than many of the other rights that we have should be subject to popular vote.

Cool story :smirk: