Trump vs. Harris debate?

Another lib fever dream playing out in real time. :rofl:


Somehow I’m finding your concern for the democratic nomination process disingenuous.


I am very consistent about all of us following our laws and our justice system being applied equally and blindly to all…PERIOD.

There is still blm to contend with. Trump staying clear of their mess is smart on his part. Let.them fight it out amonst theirselves.

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Did you not hear the trained pets? Master said who they’re voting for and that’s final! :wink:



Gosh-I don’t understand why you guys are perceived as being misogynist.


She has a reputation

He did.

I think it’s fair to wait until it’s official.


Trump agreed to debate Biden before either of their conventions. What is diffe(R)ent now?

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Biden won his primary. Harris is just anointed, who knoes if the dems will decide to swap her out if the polls don’t break as well as they hope.

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Biden released his delegates. She has secured more than a majority of them at this point, she is the presumptive nominee just like Biden and Trump were in their first debate in June.

Yes, biden dropped out and released his delegates. So Trump debated what turned out to be a non candidate. Why shouldn’t he wait until they lock in the latest swap?


no she’s not, she’s a placeholder, a doorstop to prevent others from entering. She’s got between now and the convention to show she can win, if not… bye bye!

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She’s doing just fine.

I think they know that a debate could be disastrous. His poor performance in the first debate was elided by Biden’s cataclysmic performance. That won’t happen a second time


on what earth?

The change has been minor. The bleeding stopped but she’s in the same exact place Biden was in before the debate. More likely to lose than not.

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Don’t worry, I’m sure once the democratic candidate is locked in, Trump will agree to a debate. Whether thats Harris, or the next attempt at trying to find one that polls well enough.