Trump undergoing physical at Walter reed

I’m not making a BMI argument. I’m making a “anyone with eyes can see he’s put on like fifty pounds just in the last less than three years” argument. And he wasn’t svelte before then.

Ooh fan fic.

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Hah! I’m skinnier than you.

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You might want to edit this post.

You know, to make it accurate and all.

After sending Mick Mulvaney out to say it was a great idea and everyone needs to just “get over it” and then even 60% of Republicans were like “holy ■■■■ this is pretty corrupt”.

Are you suggesting it doesn’t really count if you propose something so corrupt that you get shamed out of it a couple days later?

What you pointed out here is not hypocrisy.

It’s paying attention to actual details about what was going on and what the key differences between what Biden did and what Trump appears to have done, and not accepting spin and lies uncritically.

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Like half the conservative ecosphere is claiming that the Ukraine stuff is NDB because Trump is mentally incapable of focusing on an objective–let alone a long term one–and following it through and therefore he couldn’t have any corrupt intent on Ukraine because he’s incapable of intent. And you think he’s so goal-oriented that he’s going to suddenly follow through on dropping 40 lbs at 70 years old after a lifetime of eating Big Macs and doing nothing more strenuous than swinging a golf club between cart rides?

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The one thing that will end fat gate is Stacy Abrams chosen for VP slot. It will quickly become hate speech to mock obesity.

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Doc says it was an interim checkup, not part of the annual physical.

At least if you are going to lie about it get your stories straight.

72 hours without a trump sighting.


What did you learn in college?

No you can’t. Nobody can do that.

Then why are you having such a hard time understanding it? Hunter Biden may have been involved in an influence peddling scheme. Don’t you think that is in the best interests of America that that be investigated?

“Routine planned preventative checkup as part of the regular primary preventive care he receives throughout the year.

Primary preventive medical care is something that occurs continuously throughout the year, it is not just a single annual event.”

The only “evidence” he was involved in any type of influence peddling was completely made up by a small group of interconnected slimy individuals who were paraded onto talk media as “independent individuals”…the connections between them were deliberately hidden by talk media hosts who had them on.

If that doesn’t set off alarm bells that evidence against Joe Biden and Hunter Biden was manufactured…nothing will.

Hunter Biden was a COI for Joe…it was widely reported at the time by the media that was supposedly “in the tank” for him.

Don’t get me started on the absolutely mindless Crowdstrike/server in Ukraine nonsense.

The COI was a bad look for him…however there is zero evidence Shokin was fired because Hunter Biden worked for Burisma.

So no- I don’t believe the President of the United States should be asking foreign governments to investigate 5Chan conspiracy theories and phony evidence manufactured by slimy Eastern European oligarchs…with the complicity of the President’s personal lawyer and outright crooks working an “irregular foreign policy channel”.

Promote eating vegetables? Wait Michelle Obama did that and was ■■■■ on by the right.

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Couldn’t that have been done at the White House?

Run on.

And now this:

“If your last name wasn’t Biden,” Robach asked, “do you think you would’ve been asked to be on the board of Burisma?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know. Probably not, in retrospect,” he said. “But that’s – you know – I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.”

I mentioned the COI was bad

Your point?

You missed this part however.

“I gave a hook to some very unethical people to act in illegal ways to try to do some harm to my father. That’s where I made the mistake,” said Biden. “So I take full responsibility for that. Did I do anything improper? No, not in any way. Not in any way whatsoever.”

That’s all you need to know.


Pay to play.