Trump Tweet classified information

It’s the truth. The Bill of Rights recognizes pre-existing rights. This is US Gov 101.

The framers didn’t grant rights.

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No, he’s supposed to pay attention in government class.

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You too are desensitized by Trumps nonsense, eh?

They were making conscious decisions though.

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You get a car, you get a car. Everybody gets a car

They werent looking for retweets?

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The “chosen one” has been President for now over 2 1/2 years, but Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Lynch, Strozk, McCabe, and Ohr have not been indicted during any of that time.

I just hope these threads are accessible when a D wins the white hosue again.


Seriously… how ironic that 8 years of Trump lovers whining was instantly gone when Tiny got into office.


You can keep up at this nit picking… all the while ignoring the more significant issue – which is that the President does not understand that the Constitution does not give any rights to his office. For anyone who cares about the Constitution that’s the matter at hand, but deflect away if you chose.

He didn’t tweet classified information. That is a fact. :+1:

That picture wasn’t classified?

Not anymore. Trump declassified simply by tweeting it, assuming it was classified before he did so. In any case, no one outside of Trump’s inner circle is qualified to state with any certainty the sequence of events leading to the tweet.

Not any more.

It becomes unclassified the moment the President ■■■■■ up.

Trumpists love that if it triggers libs, regardless the effect on national security.

“It’s not illegal if the president does it.”

Hmm, where have I heard those words before?

Please proceed, Mr. President.
i am trying to find the court case however

That’s not actually true.

There is no doubt that the President has the legal power to share that picture on twitter.

But there is no mechanism for “automatically” declassifying information when the President releases it (no one suspected that any future President would so irresponsible to tweet cell phone pictures from the Sit Room), so that picture is, as far as anyone knows, still classified.

Which means, in a technical sense, everyone who has retweeted it has broken the law.

Oh Peek, you’ve been missed. Seriously. How are you?

This does fall into that whole weird argument. Trump could release the codes to launch a Minuteman III ICBM. And he would not be breaking the law. Cause he’s the president.

Don’t get me wrong. Happy for the failure…but the Tweet and photo fall in the me thinks he doth protest too much category.