Trump to meet with inner city pastors

How much? Give us a dollar figure lib. How much do they need?

Meh. Appalachia is no hidden gem.

Actually, if they’re smart, they’ll pretend to kiss his ass and they’ll get some money.

You seem to be assuming that some of the ethnicities you listed aren’t suburban. Otherwise, you made no point at all as to what @H_Arendt was saying.

There is poverty in districts red and blue across the nation, and all sorts of pictures, and other ways to play superficial politics with them.

Instead of broad-brushed talking points, can you be more specific? What’s “his district” and what do you mean by “riddles.” Words having meaning.

Is there a point here?

This is a good point.

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You can always make Trump fold with enough bad publicity. Always.

Im trying to decipher some post. Are some people trying to say only black people live on poverty?

You need to define “inner city.” Are you talking about poor people or about everybody who lives in the city limits? Is everyone within the city limits suffering from inner-city turmoil? You people are very lazy with your definitions.


What’s your point?

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Seems that way.

one think trump knows is rats

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With tensions high with the current political climate I didn’t want to accuse anyone directly

Wondering the same, looks like unrelated sections of articles quoted in the hope that people would be impressed?

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Trump is wasting his time with the pastors.
He should be talking to the Civil Blight community unorganizers.

Well someone is not telling the truth on how down right dirty Baltimore is

That may very well be…but it doesn’t change the fact that Cummings represent Baltimore which is mostly inner city.

I know you want to turn facts into racism…after all it’s libs MO is it not?

It’s not me who’s turning things into racism.