TRUMP TO GOP: Stop ‘Wasting Your Time’ Negotiating with Obstructionist Democrats | Sean Hannity

President Trump told GOP lawmakers to stop “wasting their time” negotiating with congressional Democrats to fund border security Thursday; saying left-wing legislators “are not going to give money” to build the wall.

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He is just pointing out the obvious and calling it for what it is. He knows, we all know, that Nancy isn’t going to say anything but “NO”. Why pretend anything different?

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What really get to me is that the dem knows everything is true about our southern border and yet they refuse to protect the general public.but i don’t blame them i blame the people who voted them into office.NOW all our children and family member life are at stake and they don’t give a dam.

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On the news tonight, she said NO emphatically.
What does he mean by the wall is already being built?
I say, put 10k military on the border. Let them use real bullets. Let the Corps of Engineers build the wall.

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Democrats are not willing to do what is needed to strengthen the nations borders at a time when america has come under fire. The President has said it best when he said they were the Democrat Socialist party. They are just bad people, with bad idea’s for our country. I no longer trust them, I can’t understand the way they think. All I can come up with is they must have some interest in keeping the flood gates open. What are they getting paid, i would follow every dime they make, and that of each of their family members and see what is really happening. I would also follow money of any group that pays them money in case they are washing it by getting paid by someone else, why there money goes to them. Something is really wrong with chuck and Nancy. I wish President would just call martial law and court marshal their lying butts.

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I agree and the President along with most of us knew from the beginning that Pelosi would not approve the funds for the wall. The President knew it and only reopened the Government because a lot of good people were suffering. Pelosi’s political standing on the issue will come back to haunt the Democrats. Trump wins if he builds the wall without the obstructionist Democrats. We win too.

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For those interested? President Trump is correct! As of the day he was sworn into office, the dem-on’s were 'NEVER" going to negotiate with this administration. He has bent over backwards in offering an olive branch but it is quite clear that the dem-on obstructionists, simply have no interest in protecting the American people. Personally, each and every “dem” congressional person should be called out personally and make them show cause as to why they “DO NOT” want to help the American citizen. This is important as we know the “P” lady and cryn Chuck have no desire to protect anyone in the USA. They are still pissed that their plans in 2016 were thwarted and President Trump emerged victorious over “ALL” of them. Oh Well! They should have gotten over it, but they will not. They and others have created nothing more than “ZERO” anything for President Trump and his agenda, and therefore it is clear he is on his own. It is a shame, but again, no more yelling at the term “Congressional Dem” but rather “s p e l l” out each and everyone of them and force them to put forth their plan to guard our border, plans to help American’s only, while at the same time, give the American people a reason as to why they will not support this President and this administration’s plans to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”! Put them on record and force their hand. No more of this blocking nonsense. PERIOD!

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Let the record show they will not do what is necessary to secure our borders and have failed and will continue to fail us at every turn. If this country has any chance remaining of dodging this socialist bs bullet people will remember this come 2020. 20 years ago they would have already been out on their asses but our society and its clowns don’t think for themselves any more.Nor do they bother making simple observations and drawing conclusions of their own,they just wait to be told how to feel despite clear fact and evidence. it’s called mentally and morally lazy and lack of mental effort. Hopefully all is not yet lost.

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Anyone that voted democrat is responsible for the disaster on the southern border. They’re also complicit with each and every crime committed by criminal illegal aliens in illegal sanctuary cities and states. A vote for a dem is a vote for tyranny.

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