Trump the Empty Vessel

I’ll bet he read it. Can you say the same for Trump and his book?

He doesn’t even read his speeches until someone’s listening. He sounds as surprised as the audience to find out what he has to say.

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I said over and over on the previous forum that, during the campaign, Donald had absolutely no substance. He only parroted what Fox News, Hannity, Coulter, and Rush told him to. Then they would report about how he mentioned their theories on their subsequent shows.

It was literally just one big, embarrassing feedback loop.

It is no surprise to the more observant of us that the trend continues.

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So, what you are saying is that we are enjoying this booming economy, because of the Community Organizer? Time for you to go back to school.

63 million people voted for that wall. Walls work. Ask Israel

More voted against the wall.

I don’t give 2 ■■■■■ about Israel.

Israel is a military state. Do you want to be that?

Looks like it’s Trump against the world. You two can go ahead and add your names to that list. Shame shame.