Trump taking on the dictators

That’s the thing. There is no timetable. They couldn’t even draft a definition of what denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula meant. Trump folded like a cheap suit and came back with absolutely nothing.

Wow, talk about an ob sure website>. Nice Googling…

When you say “right”, whose constitution are you referencing? Your or KSA’s ?

So, how long Did Bill work on it to achieve his great results. Did he set a time table?

Donald couldn’t even play tough guy to fellow deplorable Omarosa during that phone call. He waited until he was safely on his golden potty before tweeting insults at her. But yeah, he’s bigly tough on dictators.

Somewhere deep in Eurasia, Putin just shot borscht out his nose.

Bill failed. Is that the highest standard you can hold Trump to? Bill Clinton?

Yeah I’m not really following what this has to do with making university tuition free.

Just making sure you have random standards…

Leftists run the universities here, I don’t know why they take such large salaries and charge so much.

It’s strange how you’ll say how cool Trump is in one thread then in another comment about how the results of his and Clinton’s policies keep ending up similar. You sure you’re not a closeted Clinton supporter?

Except Trump is still working on it…obviously… Probably has worked on it much less time than Bill did. But that’s math… Hard for dems, I know…

Says them…

Libs cheer.

free speech is a human right.

Universities are run by those that gather the most alumni money, grant money, foundation money…whatever increases their university foundation. The idea that crazy libs are running universities is hilariously misguided.

Yep. We don’t want to bankrupt their economy, just level the playing field that has been tilted in their favor for years.

So you arnt a real fan of multiculturalism.

No…they want other nations to fear us.

We all know it’s true…