Trump supporter's bunker mentality

They elect this disgusting name calling king of bull ■■■■■■■■ narcissistic self loving hedonistic bolt throwing corrupt con man and then are all sadfacey that he gets negative coverage. Play ■■■■■■ games win ■■■■■■ prizes.


That’s true and you’ll recognize them when you hear…orange man baaa, baaa, baaad.

You don’t, despite the evidence to the contrary? Why not?

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What other sources do you use?

I agree, the locals are good. It’s the nationals that are the problem. The bigger the city, the bigger the problem.

Newspapers are for old people, who don’t know how to check the internet to see how many hits their team got during the game they fell asleep to. Not many are being politically influenced by them.

I disagree.

You made me do all that scrolling for that? Come on!

The New York Times and Washington Post are definitely liberal. I can’t think of any other newspapers that have much influence.


They got tired of the whining about him.

Obviously some stories are political, so there inheritantly is going to be some politics in them. But people aren’t called names and personally attacked in newspapers the way they are on television and radio.

Of course it is. Ignorant, less educated, unenlightened, not woke. You personally think you are smarter than every conservative on this forum, it comes across in every post you make. The same is true of all libs.

You know how condescending I am to you about guns? That’s how you guys are about EVERYTHING , including guns.


Pretty sure it was along the lines of the regular AP Fact Checks feature.

The phrase “without evidence” was very commonly used to describe many of the contentions Trump made.

It’s both sides and the media counts on it.

Would it? So there are no pro-life women?

Same things you © said about Bush and Reagan.

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If that’s so, how come all the newspaper stories about Trump have been accurate and the right-wing spin has been consistently wrong?

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And yet the “newspapers” are all on the internet. Are you trying to claim the NYT and WP don’t influence you?

Look at the articles, how many say “AP”? Who is writing “AP”? The other are regurgitating.

I don’t have a subscription, so they’re not having much of an influence on me. But those are two examples out of hundreds of newspapers. The original discussion was that most newspapers are hard left.