Trump signs Bibles during Alabama disaster visit

Five bucks says that many of those people have those bibles framed in their houses or show them off to their friends.

You would’ve lost the 5 bucks.

A serial adulterer signs a bible and it goes up in value.

I wonder what evangelicals think.

He did and there was no outrage. There is nothing unusual about a President signing bibles, unless of course it has something to do with Trump.

Martin Luther King, a serial adulterer, had a “sacred” bible signed by Obama. A serial adulterer, man of God, once owned a bible and the value is priceless.
So valuable there was an ugly family legal battle over it.

How old is Obama? 110 years old?

57, equal to the number of states we have.

So, Obama at 6 years old, signed a bible for MLK?

No, he used King’s bible for his inauguration. The family requested he sign it.
That’s Different though.

Serial adulterers should never even be near the White House, amirite?

I don’t care he signed a bible.

It is funny that the most corrupt person ever to hold office is asked to sign them.


If you’re a lifelong serial adulterer and a criminal, you shouldn’t take a prominent public position where you do other shady crap because it’ll greatly increase the odds that you’ll be investigated and your past misdeeds will come out…also, it’s not very Christian like.

What if a POTUS is not a christian and has a free and open sexual life style. Would that be okay? Let’s say a person was single and was POTUS. Would they be allowed to have multiple sex partners in the WH? Or if a POTUS was married but the spouse and POTUS had an open sexual agreement between the two of them?

He could be gay for all I care.

Of course, why shouldn’t he/she.

As a Christian, that would be against God’s law.

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Just wondering what the WH sex rules are and who decides those rules and if they are biblical defined.

In many of our elections, evangelicals decide what is religiously OK for politicians. They do so with their votes. In this case they approve of Donald Trump.

And so? I guess they disapproved of Hillary more.