Trump restores health care option Obamma took away

That’s not the same thing as keeping your adult kids on your insurance. That’s the adult kid getting his/her own insurance.

Developing a condition while on a plan is not a pre-existing condition. If you do develop a condition not covered at the renewal of a short term policy then you can switch to an ACA plan (if you can afford the premiums and co-pay).

Then you shop for a plan from an alternate provider or sign up for ACA…

That is correct. Then you shop for another provider or go to an ACA plan.

No, not everything needs to be complicated. But, if shopping for insurance, a mortgage or financing a car, it pays to do your research and the math associated with the costs.

Right and under single payer you take one of those off your lists…

And allow someone without a vested interest in your well being make decisions about paying for your health care. No thank you

That’s private insurance…so you gained. Nothing with your comment

Then there’s not reason to change to single payor.

Who are you to make that decision for him. What I’d the car in question was a 1990 saturn sc2 with over 200,000 miles. would you still be buying full coverage for such a car?

Well it costs less …so there is that…and everything is covered basically…so there is that as well…you wont go bankrupt…so add that as well…but yes there is no reason…that why no other nation has it…
Like zero…nadda…zip…

No other short term provider will issue you a plan, either - because with a pre-existing condition you are too expensive now for them to insure you.

Yes, you can then get an ACA plan - if the Republicans don’t do away with ACA or take away the pre-existing requirement. When that happens (and it will) your only option will be a employer subsidized policy - which requires getting a job with benefits. Easier said then done for a lot of people.

Once you have a pre-existing condition, without guaranteed issue, getting individual insurance becomes problematic. That’s why ACA required insurance companies to cover those with pre-existing conditions.

That car can still injure or kill people in an accident.

  1. The level of insurance coverage won’t prevent that.
  2. The state mandated minimum is set to cover that.

You mean like insurance companies do now?

They deny coverage for certain treatments all the time.

They do that because they have a vested interest in not losing money.

Once ACA is no more those companies who now write individual policies will get out of the market completely.

People without employer issued insurance coverage will be left with the crap plans that don’t cover much and kick you out when you use it as you now have a pre- existing condition - because again, insurance companies are not in the business of losing money.

In Florida, for example, the minimum liability amount is $10k. If you believe that is enough to cover one injured person, let alone several, I have a bridge to sell you.

Now there are multiple insurance companies to choose from. Single payor would take that one last freedom away.

ACA is a crap plan. If it isn’t, why the cry tho change it and go to single payor.

ACA is better than what we had. Single payer is better than what we have.

Depends on the injury. If you don’t like it then lobby your Florida representative to change it.

No. it isn’t.

No. it isn’t.