Trump restores health care option Obamma took away

Got mine, screw you.

That’s stupid…single payer…cover everything…no need to study…have a small co pay so people dont abuse it as much…cheaper for all of us…

Maybe you can answer my question… Why do we cover preexisting conditions for Medicare? Should we charge higher premiums for Medicare with preexisting conditions?

ACA allowed it to be sold. Obama just made a rule that it could only be for 90 days. Trump has just expanded the number of months the original plan can be in effect, then allowed for it to be renewed for up to 36 months.

It makes it so that 1800 a year is tax free money. It was available to large businesses, Trump has made it available to small businsses.

Through my employer, when my kids turn 26, they are removed from my insurance with no option to get a separate policy for them.

Short term insurance is now defined as 3 years. So much for legislative intent.

Well, that’s the thing - you don’t know if you may or may not develop a pre-existing condition or some other ailment that is otherwise not covered by the plan, and then you’re screwed. Health is unpredictable and having a skimpy plan is playing russian roulette. I’d rather cover all my bases and switch to a modern system like one of the other top developed countries implements that is much cheaper, covers everyone and has similar or better aggregate results than our system. Because math.

How long do most people live?

is 3 years considered a short part of that?

Good grief. Why are you comparing it to the duration of a human life? What is the usual term of a health insurance policy?

One year. A short term policy is now any policy that is one day less than a the typical duration of a policy. It’s ridiculous and purposefully ignoring legislative intent. The conservatives used to be against this sort of behavior.

Mine is yearly. Auto renewal every year.

Now keep in mind this short term policy wasn’t extended to three years. I’d have to go back and read what the extension was from 90 day. It can be RENEWED for max coverage of 3 years.

Under the current rule, issued in late 2016 by the Obama administration, short-term insurance cannot last for more than three months, as it was meant to be a stopgap. Under the new rule, the limit would be 364 days, and insurers would be allowed, but not required, to extend policies. The maximum duration, including any extensions, would be 36 months.

The short term policy issued it basically a year (insted of 3 months). The 3 month limit was imposed in 2016 (when was aca passed again??).

Then -if you had the 1 year policy - you could renew it a max of 2 times.

But the insurance company is not required to renew it.

I wonder what the reason for them not renewing it would be? Hmmmm…

Just like any other insurance policy (that isn’t a group one). They are subject to renewal as well. Why won’t long term policies be renewed?

I would congratulate her on making a smart buying decision. Buying a car without any breaks is a highly intelligent thing to do.

I guess that speaks for itself.

That is great news.

Nope. Not under ACA rules. All insurers issuing ACA compliant plans are required to renew insurance policy.

Insurers offering these short term plans, which are not ACA compliant, are not required to renew anyone’s policy. If you use it (and now have a pre-existing condition, for example) they will likely not renew your policy because you cost them money.

So a short term policy is now almost identical to a regular policy.


It speaks to the reality that everything doesnt need to be complicated

No not really. But you know that.

You’re right. A short term policy is 364 days and a long term policy is 365 days.

Huge difference.

And because it’s a day shorter, that obviates the need for it to be real insurance.