Trump Rally Live - Youngstown Ohio 9/17/22

No it’s not. She dragged his body. The exact language is irrelevant.

Defending the Capitol is all that was needed. The exact language is as irrelevant an as claiming that the exact language was erased from the interwebs.

…and how was that derived? Tell me? Everything was videotaped so where was this video? They took an incident where a fire extinguisher was thrown, hitting him in the top of his shoulders, bounced off, he looked back to see where it came from and then proceeded to address what he was addressing right in front of him. He was NOT BEATEN TO DEATH. There is no way possible to derive this story of being “beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters” unless you are a total ■■■■■■■ liar…and they were. Now here you are regurgibleating it here in Hannity Land. Seriously, what does this say about your level of discernment? Do you just swallow lies and repeat them? Does this excuse Pelosi? NO! She knowingly repeated the lie that was initiated by the lying DC police.

Why is that exact language necessary. He didn’t die defending the Capitol. He died during the defense of the Capitol. That language alone is sufficient to call her rhetoric into question. There is zero need to add this additional fire extinguisher stuff and whether it was scrubbed from the Internet.

She used his body as a prop against trump supporters. Full stop.

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And here I thought there was another rally happening, but nope, just more Orange Obsession.


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…except that’s exactly the narrative that was fed to light the fire of feelings by low level discernment sheople and it worked. In fact, it’s still working right now. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Unfortunately it is still working. Yes the exact narrative was that he was killed defending the Capitol. He wasn’t. He died of natural causes. She dragged his body. It’s obvious.
But the extinguisher is not relevant. It’s just as irrelevant when the drug addict oded on the Capitol steps and you guys keep telling everyone that she was beaten to death by cops

That’s not Rifferent.

You had to look up vernacular.

Obama was a very popular President. His policies were in the middle for the most part, still left the door open for Trump to barge through.

What issue got Trump in? Immigration…Brandon lost the door now.

That will be Friday in North Carolina.

We should start a thread for it early. These threads are very popular.

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These sure do help some folks clear their sinuses. :rofl:

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They really have a fondness for old Trumpy bear.

Ratings as golden as that perfect head of hair and Mar A Largo tan.

No one makes you, or anyone, attend, watch on-line or even talk about it.

The obsession is on those that can’t stop hating this man.

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Wow, that Tweet really did happen. :rofl:

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Perhaps they’re just upset that the world is being distracted from the the fact that in 1966, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, Bubba “Spare Tire” Dixon.


It’s my vernacular. I didn’t need to look it up

What does this mish mosh have to do with you projecting?

Yea there is definitely obsession in the hate

Is there another kind of obsession in these threads?

Watching these leftist adult-children lose their tiny minds like neglected little brats every time the Orange Man gets mentioned is pretty damn hilarious, no question about that. Guilty as charged. :rofl:

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The constant outrage does get funny. It’s been like 7 years. Some need to move on. So do others.

Why is the comparison relevant? His popularity is his alone right?

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