Trump rally continues

I don’t expect 100% peachy. 16 months of not peachy on the stock market with massive deficits is far from it though.

The 20’s will Roar. :us:

Stock Market- a Liberal controlled place, where Liberal Politicians and their Lackeys
wish to control America, keep them brainwashed, to fall in line, and do exactly
as their told, as Liberals minipulate them, and their stock.

How were things like retirement, before Trump got into office? and Social Security?
How many more people were on Food Stamps under Obama?

All of those things tie into money, and money ties into the stock market do they not?

How the ■■■■ is the stock market controlled by liberals?

Why are Trump supporters so lazy in their critical thinking? The use of buzzwords such ad liberals, deep state, the swamp have no real meaning but are used to excuse away failures by Trump and his agenda.

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He’s become a parody of himself it seems. Literally anything remotely anti-Trump or not overtly pro-Trump is now labeled “lib.”

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Carpe liber, legere liber

Not sure if you’re aware of this, but percentage wise the stock market was doing much better under Obama than Trump at this point in their presidencies. And all told the stock market was up 148% under Obama. So…retirements looked pretty good for anyone who had money in the market.

Retirement accounts grew at a faster pace under Obama than they have under Trump. Because math.

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The first character asset required for Trumpism is a rock-solid imperviousness to facts or reality.


Well, considering places like the New York Stock Exchange is in New York,
would give hints within itself that the Stock Market is already going to lean that way.

In America if most places are consumed by Liberal Politicians, most of the companies,
or organizations within Liberal consumed states are probably going to lean Liberal.

That’s just common sense.

Please stop - Not everything is divided on partisan lines. The fact you are trying to make an argument about the stock market being liberal is pathetic.

Wait until Trump is gone…within 6 months Trump will be a liberal, too.

Looks like Trump may get to boast (yet again) about the Dow pushing through 25,000!


psst…I think he’s speaking in code. What other group of people are associated with banking and money, and are densely populated in NYC?

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I’m middle class and my conservative portfolio for retirement is tanking. There are a lot like me.

Trump’s delusion that the U.S. economy exists in a vacuum is to blame…

Hopefully his inner circle and cabinet will do what they’ve had to do now half a dozen times: tell him he’s dreadfully wrong and to stop being belligerent.

All world economies are intricately connected.

Ah okay I see it now. Yes we see quite a lot of “code” thrown around these days.

Good news!

With the Dow below 25K (sitting at 24,934.44 as of 1:42 pm), the next “Trump rally” will push the Dow over 25K, meaning we’ll get another tweet from Trump about how the economy is so strong that the Dow went over 25K for the first time. #MAGA!

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Well DOW only ended up down 355. So that’s good.

OK. So the DOW is at the same level today as it was 17 months ago. Can we say the rally is over? Or did we do that a while ago?

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I honestly have no idea why the stock market is still in chop. It should be going up by now.