Trump promised $50M penthouse to buddy Putin

Mark my word. Trump will go down as the greatest precedent sence Regan. Trump has saved our economy, He is keeping foreing invaders OUT, and he gets the “little” man like me and you. Be patient. He’ll beat this and put all his enemies in jail!

I’ve got a barn like that.

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You ain’t been tricked sweetheart. Its just that Fox doesnt spread fake news like the librul lamestream media. You see lies on CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, and NPR all the time…not Fox. Only get your news from them, trust me.

Thanks for the comforting words, brother.

I hope you’re right.

I don’t want to vote for some third party loser.

And I’m not voting for Chelsea either.

I’m tired of all the losing.

We need a big win something fierce.

I know war isn’t the answer.

But we need a distraction.

Maybe in this case war is the answer.

I hate to even think that way.

If Fox reports it, then I’ll believe it.


I always wanted a Miata. never got one, though. It was like a little tin can.

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I don’t know what to believe anymore.

What you can believe is that trump is always, always, always lying to you.

Ya but u got a tax cut!

Don’t you fret none. Trump was the biggest win for us censervatives you ever seen.

What’s that pic supposed to mine?

Guess this is a reminder from Putin to Trump that he has dirt on him and to not embarrass him again by cancelling that meeting so publicly.

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USA Today is covering it.

Soon someone will be talking about it on TV.

Then the cat will be out of the bag.

If there is a cat in the bag.

Maybe there’s no cat.

I think they’re a herd of cats.

And Trump would love nothing more than to tie that bag of cats around a cinder block and drop it into the Hudson.

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Sounds like a decent summation of this administration. And We the People on the right side of history are the herders.

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Herding all of these cats is harder than herding cats.



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