Trump prepares EO to close down the unconstitutional federal department of education

The truth is, there is no provision listed beneath Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, [Congress’s power to lay and collect taxes] allowing for a federal “Department of Education”.

In fact, prior to the adoption of our existing Constitution, the People of Maryland delegated the power for a state funded and regulated educational system to their state elected officials, and not to a national governing power — the wording being as follows:

“The General Assembly, at its First Session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall by Law establish throughout the State a thorough and efficient System of Free Public Schools; and shall provide by taxation, or otherwise, for their maintenance.”

The Maryland Constitutional also states, in emphatic terms:

“the People of this State have the sole and exclusive right of regulating the internal government and police thereof, as a free, sovereign and independent State.”

In fact, under Art. 3 of Maryland’s Constitution, the command is for local regulation and funding of education as opposed to a federally funded and regulated public school system!

The Maryland Constitution also states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution thereof, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people thereof.”

This very provision of Maryland’s Declaration of Rights is also agreed to by the People of the United States by their ratification of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States!

Now, with respect to our federal Constitution and its delegated powers, upon researching the record of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, we find Delegate Charles Pickney, on August 18th, proposed a broad power “To establish seminaries for the promotion of literature and the arts and sciences”, but this proposal was rejected by the Convention in favor of a limited grant of power expressed in Article 1, Section 8, Cl.8, of the proposed constitution. The limited power, later agreed upon by ratification of our Constitution authorizes Congress "[t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts” and what is authorized to accomplish this? by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."

The fact is, the federal Department of Education and its current functions are in defiance of the defined and limited powers granted to Congress. And every time a member of Congress votes to fund this agency they are committing a fraud upon the people of the United States and are usurping a power not granted!

So, why are members of Congress funding this rouge agency?


Trump should also close down the unconstitutional National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities.

Are we to forget how both have openly participated in indoctrination, propaganda, and use of tax dollars to display sexual deviant behavior such as Andres Serrano’s anti-Christian bigotry called “P*** Christ”; Robert Mapplethorpe’s homosexual display called “The Perfect Moment”; Annie Sprinkle’s pornographic performances at a New York theater; Karen Finley, “the nude, chocolate smeared women”; Kyle Abraham’s “The Watershed and When the Wolves Came In” focusing on sexual identity; a 2016 festival for sexual deviant singing groups who appeared in a “flash mob” in Denver; taxpayer financing for a sexual deviant festival in San Francisco; funding for the Feminist Press at the City University of New York to digitize classic LGBT titles; an open mic group in D.C for story telling about “Queer Culture in America"; and the latest venomous and hateful smut on display financed by tax revenue being Shakespeare In Central Park depicting the violent murder of President Trump.

Our Founders were absolutely correct to limit Congress’ power to “… securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries”

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FY 2025 Summary
Data through 12/30/2024
How much funding is available to this agency?
$103.09 Billion
in budgetary resources

Look at how much waste will be cut just this year alone. This is outstanding news.


With respect to closing down the above mentioned agencies Representative Page’s words, spoken on Feb.7th, 1792 elaborates on the suffering we now experience by our Constitution being subverted.

"The framers of the Constitution guarded so much against a possibility of such partial preferences as might be given, if Congress had the right to grant them, that, even to encourage learning and useful arts, the granting of patents is the extent of their power. And surely nothing could be less dangerous to the sovereignty or interest of the individual States than the encouragement which might be given to ingenious inventors or promoters of valuable inventions in the arts and sciences. The encouragement which the General Government might give to the fine arts, to commerce, to manufactures, and agriculture, might, if judiciously applied, redound to the honor of Congress, and the splendor, magnificence, and real advantage of the United States; but the wise framers of our Constitution saw that, if Congress had the power of exerting what has been called a royal munificence for these purposes, Congress might, like many royal benefactors, misplace their munificence; might elevate sycophants, and be inattentive to men unfriendly to the views of Government; might reward the ingenuity of the citizens of one State, and neglect a much greater genius of another. A citizen of a powerful State it might be said, was attended to, whilst that of one of less weight in the Federal scale was totally neglected. It is not sufficient, to remove these objections, to say, as some gentlemen have said, that Congress in incapable of partiality or absurdities, and that they are as far from committing them as my colleagues or myself. I tell them the Constitution was formed on a supposition of human frailty, and to restrain abuses of mistaken powers.” SEE: Annals of Congress Feb 7th,1792 Rep Page (enter 194 in the small box at the top of the page)

It’s time to end unconstitutional appropriations of federal revenue, especially to agencies and departments who use such money to propagandize the minds of our nation’s children as does Randi Weingarten’s crowd

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Rats protest cutting their free government cheese



The department of stopping education. One of the reasons we have to import engineers.


Looks like Musk has reestablished himself as co-president.

Come on Trump dont be a beta cuck to Musk. You are the alpha male.

The Department of Education was created by statute. It thus can not be abolished by Executive order.

it is funded by congress, created by congress.

cannot be undone by an EO.

i guess he could try, but as with birthright citizenship will be quickly shot down.


All the DoE does is provide funding to low income (red rural counties) schools, provide services for disabled students, free/reduce lunches etc.

The DoE DOES NOT set curriculum. That’s the state. So if your state education sucks, don’t blame DoE blame your state legislators.

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And what happens when a state does not accept their “recommended teaching strategies?”

Let’s not pretend they have no say in how the states educate.


I repeat…

The Department of Education does not set requirements for curriculum. They provide funding for many programs to provide essential educational programs for low income areas and people with disabilities.

Getting rid of the DoE would impact critical funding for the schools many MAGA republicans kids go to. If you are going to say “Well the DoE will go away but not the funding” then you are admitting that shutting down the DoE isn’t about saving money. It’s about gaining culture war points.

Do you have any examples of DoE retaliation due to a state not implementing “recommended teaching strategies”?

Our founders specifically subjoined a list of particulars beneath Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, for which Congress may lawfully tax and spend. Where in the wording of our Constitution may Congress tax and spend for state public school systems?

Additionally, public education is within those powers reserved by the states as I documented at the top of the thread. Also see Federalist No 45:

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."

Additionally, the Tenth Amendment declares:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.”


Why have a written constitution, approved by the people, if those who it is meant to control are free to make it mean whatever they wish it to mean?

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Baloney. It would leave that tax revenue in the hands of the people within each state, who may then use it towards funding the education of their children.

Stop making crap up.

And the states who take in more education tax money than they provide to the feds? What about them?

You really don’t think all that money comes with strings? Don’t ■■■■■■■■ me.

Federal Agencies and Departments

Federal agencies and departments can impact education. Examples include the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education. The Department of Agriculture provides support for school lunch programs.

The U.S. Department of Education was created as a cabinet-level position. This department focuses on federal education programs, policies, and funding. Its goal is to ensure access to education for all Americans, including students from elementary school through postsecondary education. The department publishes recommended teaching strategies and materials for teachers.

States and local governments are free to act as they wish on these recommendations, but no funding will be awarded if they do not adopt these policies.

Also, I hate AI but gonna use it anyway:

AI Overview
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Yes, if a state does not adopt policies outlined by the U.S. Department of Education for a specific grant or program, the state may not be awarded the associated funding; essentially, the federal government can withhold money if a state does not comply with certain educational policy requirements.
Key points to remember:

Federal funding conditions:
The Department of Education often attaches conditions to federal education funding, meaning states must meet specific criteria to receive the money. 

State autonomy:
While the federal government can incentivize states to adopt certain policies through funding, states still have significant autonomy in managing their education systems.
Policy areas with conditions:
Examples of areas where the Department of Education might set policy conditions for funding include teacher qualifications, student accountability measures, special education services, and early childhood education.


Your “Whataboutism” is noted.

If you find that the Dept of Education is unconstitutional you challenge that constitutionality in court. That’s how the system works.

You don’t abolish it by executive fiat. That is not how the system works.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

SEC. 201. There is established an executive department to be known as the Department of Education. The Department shall be administered, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, under the supervision and direction of a Secretary of Education. The Secretary of Education shall be appointed by the President . . .

It would be a misappropriation of federal revenue to send money to the States to fund their public education systems.

Trump would be acting within his powers to stop misappropriating federal revenue . . . in fact, his oath of office requires him to do so.

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