Trump pleads for common sense

What verse supports that view?

Read Psalm 2, for starters.

Thank you.

When considering politics and The Lord, I’ve concluded that one, His Kingdom is not of this world and two, render to Caesar those things that are Caesar’s and to The Lord, those things that are The Lord’s. When asked about paying taxes, IMO…he made that very clear. It’s two very different things.

There is no baby Jesus. He grew up

My bad :rofl:. I changed it to sense as I do not to detract the value of the thread. Thank you for pointing that out. Semse was an eye catcher.

@IBC, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.

I am not boring.

They’re just trying to get you to play by rules they don’t want to play by. It’d be clever if it weren’t so transparent.

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I completely missed it. :slight_smile:

My eyes catch nothing. I am the worst QA/QC person on the planet. My eyes see typos, say to the brain “I get what he’s saying - don’t worry about it” and then yada yada yada, I own a Timeshare in Daytona (kidding - it’s in Jersey City)

Yep. Totalitarians often do that.

Tommy are you talking about the Pelosi schumer liberals? That is interesting

What the hell?

Explain please.

No, not Christian Scripture. “Render unto Cesar what is Ceasar’s… .”

Yes. Christian Scripture. I fully get the modern American understanding. It’s a modern novelty.

No, you’re just reading something into it that was never there

Lol. Nah. I’ve got quite a few centuries of Church History backing me up. You…not so much. It’s ok, though.

No, you may have Catholic Doctrine backing you up but not scripture.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Bruh, I’m Westminsterian Presbyterian. Hilarious.

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Which broke off from the Catholic church.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow::rofl::rofl::rofl: You need to pick up a history book if you think Westminster “broke off” from the Catholic Church.

Calvin was raised a Catholic and the Presbyterian Church was the product of the reformation.

Calvin like Luther thought the church was in need of serious reform and his followers who were also Catholic created a new church based on his legalistic view of how the church should be run.