Trump picks Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court

Yep, that too.

This guy is a horrible pick…

Hey, be happy we’re not hearing about awards shows.

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I keep saying that Trump’s pick was to protect Trump. He doesn’t care about abortion or any of that stuff.

Con man.

Personally I don’t think he cares either. However, he knows what the base wants. So even if it’s just a pander, I will take it.

Kavanaugh is certainly not an exciting pick… it’s an establishment choice any other R would have made. However, he’s got a wonderful resume, and by all accounts is definitely conservative.

thats why conservatives are divided on this? oh they will still vote for him but socials wanted the girl. work on your spin or stick to your hyperbole about the left.

You are calling a very accomplished attorney, a Notre Dame grad, with an outstanding career, and mother to 7 children “A GIRL”. Sexist much?

Guess we will just have to settle for the “boy” from Yale.

no i just forgot her name

but i mean seriously, the sexist card joanne…There is that hyperbole…maybe you are a secret liberal

Most people don’t call a woman in her 40s “a girl”.

i dont give a ■■■■■

The left wing loons sure are providing lots of amusement these days.

What complete codswallop. you have elected a president who is the very definition of an elitist, concerned with protecting the interests of his family business and acts more as an authoritarian than a uniter.

What has Trump done to limit the access of lobbyists and special interest groups?

Well we know American sellouts to China doesn’t have Trump ear.

so sorry pointing out how awful CNN is upsets you so

but your hate of fox news appears to be much more extreme then my disgust of CNN

a couple threads on it might help. it helped me back before it became obvious that CNN was a purely leftist agenda driven rag network with no more pretense of doing objective news anymore

I wanted the one who has a home office.

Maybe Trump temporarily possessed them when they made those statements.

Dubunked where?

Article is 12 hours old, and may have been posted before. Apologies is so. But it looks like some of Faux & Friends are less than pleased with the selection:‘fox-%26-friends’-trashes.html

The right have weaponized the first amendment to do all sorts of dumb ■■■■ in the past few years.

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