Trump - Pelosi - Schumer Brawl

So are you totally happy with Trump declaring he will shut down the government if he doesn’t get his way? Are you proud?

Bro, that was brutal. I won North Dakota!!! Lolololol!


Nothing close to a blue wave, was there?

“Tremendous amounts of wall have already been built.”

This is just flat-out lying.

And why the ■■■■ isn’t Mexico paying for it? That was the promise.

Trump wanted $25 billion. He got $1.6 billion, which was primarily restricted to replacement fencing (none of it could be used for his prototypes). LOL. If so much of it’s done, Mr. President, let’s pause and let Mexico kick in some funds.

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Trump got dismantled and embarrassed! :joy:


40 seats in previously safe R districts say otherwise.

The near complete eradication of the Republican party in CA say otherwise.

The turnover in multiple statewide offices nationwide says otherwise.

People are sick of the Republicans ****. You want to double down on Trumpism? By all means, do so. By 2021 I want to see every Republican in Washington out of the job.

This is going to launch a thousand memes in the next two hours.


If 2010 was a red wave, 2018 was certainly a blue wave.

Fat donald has lost it.

He called Indiana “india”… what an idiot!

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They definitely set Trump up because they were super nice the last time they did something like this. He got okie-doked.

Had the reps backed Trump instead of fighting him, like a lot of Cal reps, they would still have the house…

Dems have no issues to run on, you’ve shot the Trump hate wad already…

The smackdown continues.The bully getting punched on the nose. Pence looks stiff as a board. Lol

On man I can’t wait for the rage tweets coming soon


300 legislative seats Nationwide flipped

Yeah most those CA twerps who lost went full Trump.

So did Roy Moore. And Scott Walker. And Dana Rochenbacher.

But you keep pretending it isn’t Trumpism that’s the problem. Please, do. I don’t want this fight to be fair.


Fat donald just robbed Republicans the ability to blame the Democrats on the government shutdown.

“I did win India” :rofl:


They’ll still try, they’ll just make themselves look like idiots by doing so.

Except on Fox News and the Radio, where this entire exchange never happened.

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