Trump openly suggests Ukraine and now China should investigate Bidens

This is all Trump getting Biden suspicion out to the public. That’s all.

You misspelled “insinuate”.


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Coming from the background of the last three years, Democrats and other anti Trumpers have absolutely no standing to complain about starting investigations. It is just not a credible complaint.

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Just in case they can’t see the document.


Hmm, I’ve wondered this myself.

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You ok with trump publicly asking two separate foreign governments to investigate his political opponent?
A yes or no answer will suffice. Thanks in advance for your response.

I don’t do yes or no on demand.

Are you ok with the investigations run about Trump over the last couple of years that resulted in “no significant evidence of cooperation”? You somehow think those are less political than his current calls?

Are you immune from investigation if you are a Democrat but not a Republican?

I find the cases very similar, except that now the Mueller report is over with no finding of cooperation.

No whataboutism please. It’s a pretty simple question. Forget it’s about trump. Should a US president publicly demand two separate governments to investigate his political opponents?

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Yeah probably because you can’t.


I will be surprised if you get a straight answer from any Trump supporter on this.

I would not want a Democrat President doing this any more than I want a Republic President doing this.


LOL - I seem to be hearing the “I dont do yes/no on demand” more and more these days.

Its simple - like you have already been asked should a US President regardless of party be asking foreign governments to investigate political rivals?


No matter how hard you pound away at it, that square peg will never fit in the round hole. These things are universes apart in difference. They will never, ever, EVER be comparable. I understand the desperation setting in and feeling like it is necessary to lash out though.


Trump isn’t above the law…Only his potential political foes are…all 28 of them left in the D primary.




You don’t answer yes or no questions? How can you function?

“Do you want fries with that?”
“Sir, I do not answer yes or no questions on demand.”
“Er…OK…then…no fires?”
“Did Mueller eat fries during his 3 years investigating Trump? Hmmm?”
“And you seem fine with that!”
“Then…yes fries?”


It still does not answer the question. Should Trump be asking China to investigate his political rival? Should any President do that?

The question only coincides with Biden as a candidate.

It is more a matter of his function as VP.

I think the accusation would have more sting if Biden was the D nominee.


This is going to be a painful time for many of our Trump supporting bretheren, particularly those in the House and Senate.

What to do? Continue to support Trump down the line and keep the base happy?

Or recognize and publicly admit the man has no one’s else’s interests in mind by his own, and is bad for the country.

If Trump is given a pass on this…well, where’s the Stop sign going to be?

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If there is an appearance or evidence of corruption or impropriety in another country by the former V.P., is it not reasonable to look into it and to seek the cooperation of the nation where they occurred?

Keep in mind here folks that Trump has asked China to investigate his chief political rival for the upcoming election. China, which is a lawless nation whose government murders people and/or imprisons them based on their own personal gain. He has actually initiated foreign intervention in the 2020 election from a brutal regime that already would like nothing more than to place their fingers on the scale. Anyone who does not believe this is impeachable is probably so far gone at this point there will never be a return for them.