Trump narcissism on display?

you are making accusations and conclusions based on a negative.

“you didnt say A, B, C therefore you think XYZ”

this is not only weak but pathetic.

the only thing that’s “telling” is how so many buy media narratives from doing the same that they pass as “news”

No that’s a fringe benefit.

Trump’s always been this way.

Feel free to check me then: Do you disagree that Donald is a liar and a narcissist?

all the way back to his appearances on Oprah and larry king, before he was racist?

was your hate as strong then, when he talked how japanese were killing us with trade deficits?

what a fraud

What the hell are you talking about?

Trump has been a narcissist and attention seeker all his adult life.

Which is all I was talking about.

The media has been pretty good at leading source stories with the proper introduction of “sources say”.
And there is a percentage of the watchers/readers who will take it as a maybe and another percentage who will take it as fact and therefore consider it “news”. Yet we have a president who will refer to these sourced stories as “fake news”.

it’ll be ok.

hm. well my sources say you dont know what you are talking about, oh and are a russian spy.

i choose not to believe them tho

too unverified.

Of course I did, there is nothing endearing our authoritarianism . We now know at least 1 poster who craves an authoritarian ruler to control the country

I do work as a psychologist and I have gone through the DSM-5 criteria with colleagues.

Trump meets eligibility criteria for the disorder walking away.

“Personal examination” is not required for personality disorders, as they are based on observable behaviors not accounted for by other issues. Trump’s public persona has been known for years.

He’s a textbook case.

ok then you are in violation of section 7.3 of the American Psychiatric Assoc Principles of Medical Ethics and could potentially be sued if you offered this “opinion” officially (something tells me you wont).

but I understand you have a job to do just like the press - take down trump

Why would they if they would get sued?

Strange wording. Are you a psychologist?

lol right. and they sit around consulting the dsm-5. thats like surgeons sitting around consulting Gray’s anatomy

Lol, that’s among the least of my worries.

That’s what my state license says.


i understand. the press doesn’t care that they are acting unethically either

No that is very much the antithesis of reality. It is the flatearthers that deny the qualified scientists’ expert views.


you cant make adequate official diagnoses unless the patient is personally examined. thats why those codes exist

thats not flat earth. thats proper medicine

I presume you were being deliberately obtuse to prove my point.