Trump looking to buy Greenland?

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Bigfoot = “Stick Indians”

Think Plate Tectonics, Ugly brute things and the hollow earth.

and Hiawatha Glacier is certainly named by people who didn’t know who Hiawatha really was.

Why would we want permission from denmark, when we could deal directly with greenland>?

That’s like saying we should deal directly with Scotland instead of the UK for military matters that involve Scotland. It makes no sense.

Is there a proposal on the table to buy Scotland? :thinking:

He’s got a gold course there. I can see it. And then he’ll say it and people will rush here to say how he’s a genius.

Where’s that camel pic when you need it…


I like how any comment now is called frothing. That’s the new joke. Remember when this was a discussion forum?

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What you wrote isn’t discussion.

OK. Let’s call it TDS instead. You can see it. :roll_eyes:


Remember when Democrats refused to be called leftists?

The whole thing is part of the discussion. The camel comment isn’t. If you follow it I used the Scotland example to compare the silliness of a claim another poster made about defense treaties with Greenland. Then another poster made what I took as a Scotland joke. I responded with a similar joke and a commentary on the ridiculous of the claim and how people would respond here if Trump actually said such a thing. Which would be on par with his Greenland nonsense. See how that works? And then you jump on with camel and somehow I’m frothing?

What you said about Scotland was a joke … as evidenced by your silliness about golf courses.

The point is, a military agreement with a US territory is not the same as one with a sovereign country.

It still is a discussion forum. By the way, Norman says hi!

Norman the Camel

He was down for the night. But have no fear, I just woke him to say hi.

I remember a time when they wanted to be called progressives. They saw being called a liberal or a LIB as insulting.

Of course it is.

It’s just not to you, because it hits too close to home.

Embrace the TDS, man. It’s warm and cozy.

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The camel has a name. His name is Norman. Show some respect already. :rofl:

Isn’t he just adorable.

Norman the Camel

i certainly dont think as lib or liberal as a pejorative.

never have. never will.
