That’s why none of this makes sense. It’s just Trump being an idiot. I think it falls in the category of he learns something new and doesn’t understand then thinks he’s an expert and then wants to talk about it. Like did you know Korea used to be part of China? Nobody knew that. Or Lincoln was a Republican. Nobody knows that. But why he is pushing this one makes no sense.
Even China denies Korea was part of China. In the 15th century, a Korean dynasty reinstituted state Confucianism, supplanting Buddhism, which had become predominant, however that didn’t mean it was “China.”. China had competing dynasties in different locales.
The Mongols invaded China and then Korea in the 13th century, as they later attempted in Japan as well.
“the arrogant firefly mocks the light of the sun.” regarding the “Trump is an idiot” mentality.
Actually, the glacier fills the entire crater which holds the icecap back at that location. That’s what drew attention to it … its nearly circular shape.
But I’m sure you can find interesting rock samples among the debris ejected from the impact site on the bare ground between the ice and the coast.